Rule 290-2-19-.06 - Case Records(1) A confidential case record shall be maintained for each unmarried mother. Records for each mother shall include: (a) Application for service;(b) Basic identifying information for unmarried mother and the putative father. Name, birthdate, nationality, religion, education, occupation, health history, marital status, home address;(c) Background history or referral summary - and background history for the putative father;(d) Authorization for medical care signed by mother at time of admission. For minors under eighteen (18) written approval shall be secured from parent or guardian;(e) A copy of any financial agreements made;(f) Date of admission to and discharge from the hospital if confinement is outside the Home;(g) Name of baby, sex, and birthdate;(h) Correspondence, regarding the mother;(i) Plan for child at time of discharge of the mother;(j) Narrative recording of casework interviews;(k) Date of discharge of mother and to whom discharged if a minor.(2) A confidential case record for the baby shall contain: (a) A record of birth including birthdate, weight at birth, measurements, any defects, method of delivery, complications of pregnancy and delivery;(b) An entry indicating birth registration;(c) Any formula prescribed;(e) Name and address of person and/or name of agency and worker to whom discharged, if not to mother.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-2-19-.06
Ga. L. 1963, pp. 81-121; Ga. L. 1972, pp. 1015, 1046, 1048. Effective November 10, 1974.
Original Rule was filed on October 21, 1974; effective November 10, 1974.