Rule 20-7-.01 - Licensure(1) A new firm having a physical office in this state about to engage in the practice of public accountancy in this state or a firm not having a physical office in this state but required to be licensed under 43-3-16(b)(1)(C) shall make application for original licensure upon forms for that purpose provided by the Board and obtainable from its Office. Upon such application being found sufficient and in order, the application fee paid, and the applicant found eligible for licensure, the applicant:(a) Will be forthwith licensed under the appropriate Section of the Act;(b) Will have its physical office(s) in this state as designated in the application forthwith licensed under Section 43-3-16 of the Act;(c) Will be issued a permit to practice public accounting in this state; and(d) Will be notified accordingly.(2) Firm licenses will expire on June 30 of each even numbered year and shall become renewable at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. If the application for renewal is not made and the fee paid before September 30 of the even numbered year, the license shall lapse and shall not be renewed except by application for a new license or for reinstatement.(3) Notice shall be given to the Board within thirty days, of the admission to or withdrawal of a partner, stockholder, or member from any licensed firm. Notice shall also be given within thirty days of any mere change of name. In these cases the Board may elect to issue a new license to the firm. (a) On the other hand, if a partner, shareholder, or member is admitted or withdraws and in Connection therewith there is a change of name, then and only then it is to be regarded for the purposes of this Rule as a new firm which must file an application for licensure.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 20-7-.01
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-3-2, 43-3-7, 43-3-8, 43-3-16, 43-3-17, 43-3-22, 43-3-24, 43-3-31.
Original Rule entitled "Qualification Requirements" adopted. F. and eff. June 30, 1965.Repealed: New Rule entitled "Registration" adopted. F. Feb. 9, 1978; eff. Mar. 1, 1978.Amended: F. June 28, 1983; eff. July 18, 1983.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. June 11, 1985; eff. July 1, 1985.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Aug. 20, 2009; eff. Sept. 9, 2009.Amended: New title "Licensure." Feb. 4, 2015; eff. Feb. 24, 2015.