Rule 20-13-.05 - Exceptions(1) A firm that has been licensed for two years or less at the time of the firm's renewals shall be exempted from the requirement of submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of a Board approved peer review.(2) The Board may waive or modify the requirement of submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of a Board approved peer review in cases of hardship. A firm seeking a hardship exemption must submit a written request that sets forth detailed reasons for the request of exemption. Such request must be submitted with the firm's license renewal application and must be received by Board prior to the expiration of the firm's license. The firm's license will continue until the Board renders a decision on the request. After considering the request, the Board may deny the exception, grant the exception, or grant the exception with limitation and/or conditions.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 20-13-.05
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-3-8, 43-3-17.
Original Rule entitled "Evaluation of Reports" adopted. F. Apr. 24, 1992; eff. May 14, 1992.Repealed: New Rule entitled "Exceptions" adopted. F. May 13, 1999; eff. June 2, 1999.Amended: F. Feb. 4, 2015; eff. Feb. 24, 2015.