Rule 144-4-.07 - Unclaimed Restitution(1) Court-ordered restitution that has not been claimed from the collecting authority within two years of the first restitution payment is transferred to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for deposit into the Georgia Crime Victims Emergency Fund.(2) Entities that collect restitution must submit a victims' report on a periodic basis, including any restitution amount submitted to the agency for transfer to the Crime Victims Emergency Fund. For each restitution amount, this report must contain, at a minimum: the victim's name, last known address, the date(s) that funds were first available and the case docket number. When there is no restitution amount reported, the report should indicate that there are no restitution transactions for the period.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 144-4-.07
O.C.G.A. §§ 17-15-1 et seq., 35-6A-4.
Original Rule entitled "Unclaimed Victim Restitution" adopted. F. Jan. 8, 2010; eff. Jan. 28, 2010.Amended: New title "Unclaimed Restitution." F. July 9, 2019; eff. July 1, 2019, as specified by the Agency.Amended: F. Apr. 1, 2022; eff. Apr. 21, 2022.