The curriculum for students enrolled in an esthetician school for a complete course of at least nine (9) months and 1,000 credit hours of training shall be as follows:
(a) No school or licensed instructor shall permit a student to render clinical services until the student has completed 250 credit/clock hours of training in the following curriculum: Level 1
1. Professional Practices = 150 - (150 credit/clock hours): (i) bacteriology, sterilization, and sanitation;(iii) public health and safety;(iv) EPA; OSHA; infection controls standards; and bloodspill procedures;(v) AIDS; HIV and communicable diseases;(vii) facility hygiene; clean-up applications and procedures.2. professional ethics = 20 - (20 credit/clock hours): 3. business practices = 80 - (80 credit/clock hours):(i) State Board Rules Laws and Rules;(ii) esthetician salon development;(iii) business insurance;(vi) medical record keeping;(viii) the job interview. Level 1 Total 250 Hours
(b) When the student has successfully completed 250 credit/clock hours in the above curriculum with a minimum passing score of 75 percent, the student may progress to the clinic floor to perform clinical services on patrons. After completion of the first 250 credit/ clock hour of Level 1 training, the curriculum shall be as follows: Level 2
1. Sciences = 320 - (320 credit/clock hours): (ii) dermatology and physiology: (I) structure of the skin and glands;(II) functions of the skin and glands;(III) conditions and disorders of the skin;(IV) physiology of color;(iii) Theory:(III) clinical sanitation and sterilization;(VI) advanced skin analysis/diseases;(VII) camouflage make-up. 2. Body treatment = 75 - (75 credit hours/75 applications): 3. Facials= 115 - (115 credit hours/115 applications):(i) client consultations and skin analysis;(vii) spa facials. (I) European Massage: The use of all five (5) basic massage movements in a systematic procedure that will improve and promote skin rejuvenation and relaxation;(II) Aromatherapy: The use of essential oils in masks, massage, and diffusion to correct and promote relaxation;(III) Product Therapy: The use of epidermabrasion product treatment solution in the form of serum, powders, or infusions for rejuvenation of the skin;(IV) Mask Therapy: The use of thermo, fleece, botanicals, anti-aging, and pore cleansing specialty masks to rejuvenate the skin;(V) Machines: The use of spa/salon machines that include galvanic, high frequency, brushing, vacuum, and vaporizers for aiding in skin rejuvenation. This does not include the use of the microdermabrasion machine in the school/student environment unless it is a FDA guideline class 1.4. Make-up = 90 - (90 credit hours (90 applications):(i) client consultation and skin analysis;5. Hair removal = 75 - (75 credit hours):(i) lip, chin, face - 20 credit hours (40 applications);(ii) leg waxing - 10 credit hours (5 applications);(iii) bikini waxing - 10 credit hours (20 applications);(iv) brow arching - 35 credit hours (70 applications);(I) brow tweezing - 15 credit hours (30 applications);(II) brow waxing - 15 credit hours (30 applications);(III) brow and lash tinting - 5 credit hours (10 applications).6. Spa/Salon Management = 75 - (75 credit/clock hours):(ii) marketing: business, client, product;(iii) managerial responsibilities;(iv) client retention and tracking;(vi) business record management;(vii) profit and loss statement management. Level 2 Total 750
Total hours - 1,000 credit hours.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 130-3-.05
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-10-2, 43-10-6, 43-10-9, 43-10-12.
Original Rule entitled "Application for Teacher's License" adopted. F. Oct. 24, 1966; eff. Nov. 12, 1966.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Aug. 2, 1967; eff. Aug. 21, 1967.Amended: F. Apr. 10, 1979; eff. Apr. 30, 1979.Amended: ER. 130-3-0.3-.05 adopted. F. Apr. 11, 1983; eff. Apr. 5, 1983, the date of adoption.Amended: Permanent Rule entitled "Esthetician School Curriculum" adopted. F. Aug. 11, 1983; eff. Aug. 31, 1983.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Feb. 25, 1986; eff. Mar. 17, 1986.Amended: F. Mar. 19, 1986; eff. Apr. 8, 1986,Amended: F. June 19, 2002; eff. July 9, 2002.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Mar. 29, 2007; eff. Apr. 18, 2007.