Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 111-8-90-.01

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 111-8-90-.01 - General Provisions
(1) Purpose and Scope.
(a) To set forth rules and regulations which implement the mandates of the Radiation Control Act, O.C.G.A. Chapter 31-13, as it relates to the registration and regulation of users of radiation machines.
(b) Except as otherwise specifically provided, these regulations apply to all uses of radiation machines in the healing arts, industry, educational and research institutions.
(2) Human Radiation Exposure. Radiation shall not be applied to individuals except as prescribed by persons licensed to practice in the healing arts or as otherwise provided in these regulations. Only licensed practitioners and authorized operators shall apply radiation to a person.
(3) Prohibited Use. The operation of any radiation machine in this state is prohibited unless the user is registered with the Department.
(4) Definitions. Unless a different meaning is required by the context of a rule, the terms used in these regulations have the definitions set forth below.
(a) "Accessible surface" means the external surface of the enclosure or housing provided by the manufacturer.
(b) "Act" means the Radiation Control Act, Chapter 13 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.
(c) "Analytical x-ray machine" means any device, including but not limited to x-ray diffraction, x-ray diffractometry, and x-ray spectroscopy, which utilizes x-rays to examine the micro-structure of materials.
(d) "Aperture" means any opening in the external surface, other than a port, which remains open during the production of x-rays.
(e) "Applicant" means the responsible person in authority who applies for registration of the x-ray machine(s).
(f) "Barrier" means attenuating materials used to reduce radiation exposure:
1. "Primary-barrier" is one sufficient to attenuate the useful beam to the required degree as specified in section 111-8-90-.03 of this chapter.
2. "Secondary-barrier" is one sufficient to attenuate the sum of leakage and scattered radiation to the required degree as specified in section 111-8-90-.03 of this chapter.
(g) "Beam-limiting device" or "collimating device" means a device which provides a means to restrict the dimensions of the x-ray field.
(h) "Beam scattering filter" means a filter used in order to scatter a beam of electrons.
(i) "Cabinet x-ray machine" means an x-ray machine with the x-ray tube installed in an enclosure independent of existing architectural structures except the floor on which it may be placed. The cabinet x-ray machine is intended to:
1. contain at least that portion of a material being irradiated;
2. provide radiation attenuation; and
3. exclude personnel from its interior during generation of radiation.

Included are all x-ray machines designed primarily for the inspection of carryon baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An x-ray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment which may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered a cabinet x-ray machine.

(j) "Calendar quarter" means not less than 12 consecutive weeks nor more than 14 consecutive weeks. The first calendar quarter of each year shall begin in January and subsequent calendar quarters shall be so arranged such that no day is included in more than one calendar quarter and no day in any one year is omitted from inclusion within a calendar quarter.
(k) "Certified machine" means any x-ray machine which has one or more certified component(s) as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter J, Part 1020.30.
(l) "Contact therapy machine" means an x-ray machine used for therapy with the x-ray tube port placed in contact with or within 5 centimeters of the surface being treated.
(m) "Control panel" means that part of the x-ray control upon which are mounted the switches, knobs, push buttons, and other hardware necessary for manually setting the technique factors.
(n) "Dead-man switch" means a switch so constructed that a circuit closing contact can be maintained only by continuous pressure.
(o) "Department" means the Department of Community Health.
(p) "Diagnostic type tube housing" means an x-ray tube housing so constructed that the leakage radiation at a distance of 1 meter from the target cannot exceed 100 mR in 1 hour when the tube is operated at any of its specified ratings.
(q) "Diagnostic x-ray machine" means an x-ray machine designed for irradiation of any part of the human body for the purpose of diagnosis or visualization.
(r) "Disposal" for the purpose of these regulations, means the sale, gift, transfer, destruction, disassembly or any disposition of a radiation machine or its parts.
(s) "Dose" as used in these regulations shall mean absorbed dose or dose equivalent as appropriate.
1. "Absorbed Dose" means energy absorbed per unit mass of irradiated material at the place of interest. The special unit of absorbed dose is the Rad (see "Rad") or Gray (see "Gray").
2. "Dose equivalent" is a quantity that expresses on a common scale for all radiation a measure of the postulated effect on a given organ. It is defined as the absorbed dose in rads times certain modifying factors. The unit of dose equivalent is the rem (see "Rem") or Sievert (see "Sievert").
(t) "Dose monitor unit" means a unit response from the dose monitoring system from which the absorbed dose can be calculated.
(u) "Entrance exposure rate" means the roentgens per unit time at the point where the center of the useful beam enters the patient.
(v) "Existing equipment" means therapy machines subject to these regulations which were manufactured on or before January 1, 1985.
(w) "Exposure" means a measure of the ionization produced in a given volume of air by X- or gamma radiation. The unit of exposure is the Roentgen or coulombs/kilogram.
(x) "Exposure rate" means the exposure per unit of time, i.e., as Roentgens per minute, or mR per hour as measured in air. (coulombs/kilogram/unit time).
(y) "External surface" means the outside surface of the cabinet x-ray machine including the plane across any aperture or port.
(z) "Facility" means the location at which one or more x-ray machines are installed and/or located within one building, vehicle, or under one roof and are under the same administrative control.
(aa) "Failsafe" means a design feature which causes beam port shutters to close, or otherwise prevents emergence of the primary beam, upon the failure of a safety or warning device.
(bb) "Filtration" means material in the useful beam which preferentially absorbs selected radiations.
1. "Added filtration" means any filtration which is in addition to the inherent filtration.
2. "Inherent filtration" means the filtration of the useful beam provided by the permanently installed tube assembly.
3. "Total Filtration" means the sum of the added filtration and inherent filtration in the useful beam.
(cc) "General purpose radiographic x-ray machine" means any radiographic x-ray machine which, by design, is not limited to radiographic examination of specific anatomical regions.
(dd) "Gray" (Gy) means unit of absorbed dose. One Gy equals 1 Joule of energy deposited in one kilogram of material. One gray equals one hundred rads.
(ee) "Half-value layer" means the thickness of specified material which attenuates the beam of radiation so that the exposure is reduced to one-half of its original value.
(ff) "Healing Arts" means the practice of medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, osteopathy, podiatry, and veterinary.
(gg) "High Radiation Area" means any area, accessible to individuals, in which there exists radiation at such levels that a major portion of the body could receive in any one hour a dose in excess of 100 millirems.
(hh) "Human use" means the administration of radiation to an individual.
(ii) "Industrial radiography" means the examination of the macroscopic structure of materials by nondestructive methods using sources of ionizing radiation to produce radiographic images.
(jj) "Inspection" means an official examination or observation to be performed by the Department including but not limited to, tests, surveys, evaluations and monitoring to determine compliance with rules, regulations, orders, requirements and conditions of the Department.
(kk) "Irradiation" means the exposure of matter to ionizing radiation.
(ll) "Lead equivalent" means the thickness of lead affording the same attenuation, under specified conditions, as the material in question.
(mm) "Leakage radiation" means radiation emanating through the diagnostic or therapeutic source assembly except for the useful beam.
(nn) "Leakage technique factors" means the technique factors associated with the tube housing assembly which are used in measuring leakage radiation. They are defined as follows:
1. For capacitor energy storage equipment, the maximum-rated peak tube potential and the maximum-rated number of exposures in an hour for operation at the maximum-rated peak tube potential with the quantity of charge per exposure being 10 millicoulombs, i.e., 10 millampere seconds, or the minimum obtainable from the unit, whichever is larger.
2. For field emission equipment rated for pulsed operation, the maximum-rated peak tube potential and the maximum-rated number of x-ray pulses in an hour for operation at the maximum-rated peak tube potential.
3. For all other equipment, the maximum-rated peak tube potential and the maximum-rated continuous tube current for the maximum-rated peak tube potential.
(oo) "Light field" means that area of the intersection of the light beam from the beam-limiting device and one of the set of planes parallel to and including the plane of the image receptor.
(pp) "New equipment" means x-ray machines subject to these regulations which were manufactured after January 1, 1985.
(qq) "Occupational dose" means exposure of an individual to radiation in the course of employment in which the individual's routine duties involve exposure to radiation.
(rr) "Open beam x-ray installation" means an installation in which the source and all objects exposed to the radiation source are within an area designated as a high radiation area.
(ss) "Operator" means that individual authorized by the registrant to operate the registrant's x-ray machine(s).
(tt) "Particle accelerator" means any machine capable of accelerating electrons, protons, deuterons, or other charged particles in a vacuum and of discharging the resultant particulate or other radiation into a medium at energies usually in excess of 1 MeV.
(uu) "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, group, agency, political subdivision of this State, any other State or political subdivision or agency thereof, and any legal successor, representative, agent or agency of the foregoing.
(vv) "Personnel monitoring equipment" means devices (i.e., film badges, pocket dosimeters, and thermo-luminescent dosimeters) designed to be worn or carried by an individual for the purpose of estimating the dose received.
(ww) "Phantom" means a volume of material behaving in a manner similar to tissue with respect to the attenuation and scattering of radiation.
(xx) "Port" means any opening in the external surface which is designed to remain open during the production of x-rays for the purpose of conveying material to be irradiated into or out of the machine or for partial insertion for irradiation of material whose dimensions do not permit the insertion of the entire object into the cabinet.
(yy) "Practitioner" means a physician licensed in Georgia under authority of Chapter 34 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated; a chiropractor licensed in Georgia under authority of Chapter 9 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated; a podiatrist licensed in Georgia under authority of Chapter 35 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated; a dentist licensed in Georgia under authority of Chapter 11 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated; or a veterinarian licensed in Georgia under authority of Chapter 50 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.
(zz) "Precertified x-ray systems" means a diagnostic x-ray machine produced prior to August 1, 1974 as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter J, Part 1020.30.
(aaa) "Rad" (radiation absorbed dose) means the unit of absorbed dose. One rad = 100 ergs/gm or .01 Gy.
(bbb) "Radiation" means gamma rays and x-rays, alpha and beta particles, high speed electrons, neutrons, and other nuclear particles.
(ccc) "Radiation area" means any area, accessible to individuals, in which there exists radiation at such levels that a major portion of the body could receive in any one hour a dose in excess of 5 millirems, or in any 5 consecutive days a dose in excess of 100 millirems.
(ddd) "Radiation detector" means a device which, in the presence of radiation, provides by either direct or indirect means, a signal or other indication suitable for use in measuring one or more quantities of incident radiation.
(eee) "Radiation Machine" means any device that is designed for the controlled production of radiation or nuclear particles.
(fff) "Radiation Therapist" shall be defined as a physician who has met the requirements for certification by the American Board of Radiology in radiation therapy or by the American Board in general radiology provided that the physician has had two years or more of additional experience in radiation therapy.
(ggg) "Radiation therapy simulation machine" means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray machine specifically designed for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.
(hhh) "Registrant" means any user registered with the Department in accordance with these regulations.
(iii) "Registration" means registration of the user(s) of x-ray machine(s) with the Department.
(jjj) "Regulations" means the Department of Health Rules and Regulations for X-Ray, Chapter 111-8-90.
(kkk) "Rem" means a measure of the dose equivalent of any radiation to body tissue in terms of its estimated biological effect relative to a dose received from an exposure to one roentgen (R) of x-rays. For the purpose of these regulations, any of the following is considered to be equivalent to a dose of one rem:
1. An exposure of 1 R of x-, or gamma radiation.
2. A dose of 1 rad (.01 Gy) due to x-, gamma, or beta radiation.
3. A dose of 0.05 rad (5 x 10-4 Gy) due to particles heavier than protons and with sufficient energy to reach the lens of the eye.
4. A dose of 0.1 rad (1 x 10-3 Gy) due to neutrons or high energy protons.
(lll) "Restricted area" (controlled area) means any area to which access is controlled by the registrant for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation. "Restricted area" shall not include any areas used for residential quarters, although a separate room or rooms in a residential building may be set apart as a restricted area.
(mmm) "Roentgen" (R) means the special unit of exposure. One roentgen equals 2.58 × 10-4 coulombs/kilogram of air.
(nnn) "Sale" for the purpose of these regulations, means any act where a radiation machine is transferred from one person to another for money or other valuable consideration.
(ooo) "Scattered radiation" means radiation that, during passage through matter, has been deviated in direction.
(ppp) "Shielded-room radiography" means industrial radiography conducted in a room so shielded that radiation levels at every location on the exterior meet the limitations specified in Section .03 of these regulations.
(qqq) "Sievert" (Sv) means a unit of dose equivalent. One sievert equals 100 rem.
(rrr) "Source" means the focal spot (target) of the x-ray tube.
(sss) "Source-image receptor distance" (SID) means the distance from the source to the center of the input surface of the image receptor.
(ttt) "Spot check" means an abbreviated calibration procedure which is performed to assure that a previous calibration continues to be valid.
(uuu) "Target" means that part of a radiation source which intercepts a beam of accelerated particles with subsequent emission of other radiation.
(vvv) "Test" means an examination through the use of instrumentation, visual inspection, interviews with individuals, and checks of various devices used in connection with radiation generating equipment to determine compliance with a regulatory requirement.
(www) "Therapy radiation" means the use of an ionizing radiation source for the purpose of treatment.
(xxx) "Traceable to a national standard" means that a quantity or a measurement has been compared to a national standard directly or indirectly through one or more intermediate steps and that all comparisons have been documented.
(yyy) "Transfer" for the purpose of these regulations, means the disposing of a radiation machine by any means including, but not limited to gift, sale, bailment, loan or lease.
(zzz) "Unrestricted area" (uncontrolled area) means any area to which access is not directly controlled by the registrant for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation.
(aaaa) "Unwanted by-product" means ionizing radiation generated by an apparatus whose primary function and design is not intended to produce ionizing radiation.
(bbbb) "Useful beam" means the radiation which passes through the tube housing port and the aperture of the beam-limiting device when the exposure switch or timer is activated.
(cccc) "User" means any person who possesses a radiation machine which is utilized for the administration of radiation.
(dddd) "Virtual source" means a point from which radiation appears to originate.
(eeee) "X-Ray machine" for the purposes of these regulations means a radiation machine designed for the controlled production of x-rays.
(5) Variances, Waivers, and Exemptions. The Department may, upon application, grant such variances, waivers, or exemptions from the requirements of these regulations as authorized by O.C.G.A. Section 31-2-4.
(6) Inspections.
(a) The Department is the authorized agency empowered to inspect and determine compliance with the Act and these regulations.
(b) Each registrant shall afford the Department at all reasonable times opportunity to inspect radiation machines and the premises and facilities wherein such radiation machines are used.
(c) Each registrant shall make available to the Department for inspection, upon reasonable notice, records maintained by the registrant pursuant to this Chapter.
(d) The Department shall conduct periodic inspections of registrants to determine compliance with the Act and this Chapter.
(e) The Department or its designated representative is authorized under the authority of O.C.G.A. Section 31-5-5(b) to classify as confidential and privileged documents, reports and other information and data obtained by them from persons, firms, corporations, municipalities, counties, and other public authorities and political sub-divisions where such matters relate to:
1. Trade secrets and commercial or financial information furnished to the Department on a privileged or confidential basis. Matters subject to this exemption are those which are customarily held in confidence by the originator. They include, but are not limited to:
(i) Information received in confidence, such as trade secrets, inventions, and proprietary data;
(ii) Technical reports and data, designs, drawings, specifications, formulas, or other types of proprietary information which are furnished to the Department or which are generated or developed by the Department or for the Department under contract.
2. Personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Examples of files exempt from disclosure include, but are not limited to:
(i) Names or identifying information regarding individuals.

Discovery shall be subject to the statutory requirements found in O.C.G.A. Section 31-5-5.

(f) Whenever the Department finds that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health and safety, the Department may, without notice or hearing, issue an order reciting the existence of such emergency and requiring that such action be taken as is necessary to meet the emergency. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 13 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, such order shall be effective immediately. Any person to whom such order is directed shall comply therewith immediately but on application to the department shall be afforded a hearing within ten days. On the basis of such hearing the emergency order shall be continued, modified or revoked within 30 days after such hearing, as the Department may deem appropriate under the evidence.
(7) Tests.
(a) The Department has the authority to conduct such reasonable tests as it deems appropriate or necessary in the administration of this Chapter, including, but not limited to, tests of:
1. sources of radiation;
2. facilities wherein sources of radiation are used or stored;
3. radiation detection and monitoring instruments; and
4. other equipment and devices used in connection with utilization or storage of registered sources of radiation.
(8) Requirements for Radiation Protective Shielding.
(a) Each facility shall be provided with such primary barriers and/or secondary barriers as necessary to assure compliance with Section .03(2)(a) and (b) of these Regulations titled "Standards for Protection Against Radiation".
(b) In computing shielding requirements, only identified permanently installed construction materials or permanently installed lead shielding materials shall be considered. Cassettes, cassette holders, (except as specifically permitted elsewhere in this Chapter), patients, or non-permanent materials shall not be used as part of the radiation shielding.
1. For energies up to 1 MeV:
(i) This requirement shall be deemed to be met if the thickness of the barrier(s) is equivalent to that computed in accordance with National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Report No.49 "Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medical Use of X-Rays and Gamma Rays of Energies Up to 10 MeV" or its current revision or replacement.
(ii) A primary barrier in walls shall extend from the floor to a minimum height of 84 inches and shall have a width broad enough to intercept the entire cross section of the useful beam plus an extension of at least one foot (30 cm) on each side of the barrier at the maximum SID used with the maximum beam dimensions permitted by the beam limiting device. All sections of the wall or adjacent areas including the floor that may be struck by the useful beam shall be considered primary barriers.
(iii) In calculating radiation shielding requirements workloads shall be realistic, but in no case, except for intra-oral dental x-ray facilities, less than 15 milliampere minutes (mAm) per week at 100 kVp, or at the maximum stated energy of the x-ray machine if it is less than 100 kVp.
2. For energies of 1 MeV or greater: This requirement shall be deemed to be met if the thickness of barrier(s) is equivalent to that computed in accordance with the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Report No.51, "Radiation Protection Design Guidelines for 0.1-100 MeV Particle Accelerator Facilities," or its current revision or replacement.
(c) Non-healing arts facilities shall meet the shielding design criteria described in .01(8)(a) and (b).
(d) During the construction phase, the installation of shielding shall be evaluated pursuant to procedures outlined in NCRP Handbook 49 or NCRP Handbook 51 or its current revision or replacement. The registrant is responsible for ensuring that such evaluation is performed by an individual competent to perform such evaluation.
(e) Facilities may be required to have a radiation integrity survey of the completed installation to assure that:
1. materials used for shielding are not impaired by joints, openings for duct pipes, conduits, etc., passing through or embedded in the wall; and
2. such materials meet the minimum lead equivalency as stated in submitted design.

The registrant is responsible for ensuring that such survey is performed by an individual competent to perform such survey.

(f) The final assessment of the adequacy of the design and construction of structural shielding shall be based on a radiation survey of the completed installation. If the radiation survey shows deficiencies, additional shielding and/or modifications shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Department.
(9) Shielding Design Plan Review.
(a) Shielding designs, to include facility layout and machine orientation, shall be submitted to the Department for approval prior to the construction of a new facility or the modification (i.e., reorientation of equipment, increased workload, exchange of radiation machine, etc.) of an existing facility using radiation machines for:
1. Diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in the healing arts.
2. Non-healing arts applications which includes, but is not limited to, industrial applications.
(b) Radiation shielding designs submitted for review shall contain at least the following information.
1. The location of the radiation machine; Name, Address, Room number; and
2. Travel and traverse limits permitted by the manufacturer; direction(s) of the useful beam; locations of windows and doors; the location of the operator's booth; and the location and dimensions of the x-ray control panel; and
3. The structural composition and thickness or lead equivalency of all walls, doors, partitions, floors, and ceiling of the room(s) when considered as part of the shielding requirements; and
4. The dimensions of the x-ray room(s); and
5. The occupancy of all adjacent areas inclusive of space above and below the x-ray room(s); and
6. The maximum technique factors which are anticipated; and
7. The type and number of examination(s) or treatment(s) which will be performed with the equipment, or
8. The anticipated workload of the radiation machine(s) in milliamp minutes per week (or rads/week at 1 meter for therapy machines only) at the maximum anticipated operating energy.
(c) X-Ray Room Design Requirements:
1. Healing Arts:
(i) Except for dental, dedicated podiatric and veterinary x-ray facilities, in all x-ray facilities built or modified after the effective date of these regulations, the x-ray room shall have minimum dimensions of 8 feet (2.4 m) by 10 feet (3.0 m) sufficient to assure source- to-image distances equal to those currently accepted in the healing arts to make standard radiographs of anatomical regions.
(ii) There shall be sufficient work space allotted to the x-ray assistants to set up procedures.
2. Other than healing arts. Sufficient space shall be allotted to adequately perform duties and assure radiation safety.
(d) Radiation Machine Operator's Protective Barrier.
1. Diagnostic x-ray facilities other than dental intraoral, dental panoramic, and veterinary, built or modified after the effective date of these regulations shall have a fixed operator's barrier.
(i) Design Requirements for fixed operator's barrier.
(I) The operator shall be allotted not less than 7.5 square feet (.697 sq.m.) of unobstructed floor space in the booth.
(II) The operator's booth may be any geometric configuration with no dimension of less than 2 feet (0.61 m).
(III) Structural Requirements:
I. The barrier walls shall be permanently fixed and have a height of at least 7 feet (2.13 m) from the floor.
II. When a door or movable panel is used as an integral part of the structure, it must have an interlock which will prevent an exposure when the door or panel is not closed.
III. The barrier shall intercept any radiation that has been scattered only once and will ensure that the limit of 100 mrem/wk (1 mSv/week) permitted for personnel exposure shall not be exceeded. Design guidelines should consider 10 mrem/week (.1 mSv/week).
(ii) Radiation Machine Control Placement:
(I) The x-ray control for the machine shall be fixed within the booth and:
(II) placed so that the operator cannot conveniently leave the protection of the barrier during an exposure, and
(III) will permit the operator to conveniently use available viewing devices.
(iii) Viewing Device Requirements for Medical Facilities:
(I) Each booth or barrier shall be equipped with at least one viewing device which will be so placed that the operator can easily view the patient during any exposure.
(II) When the viewing system is by mirrors, the mirror(s) shall be so located as to accomplish the general requirements.
(III) When the viewing system is by electronic means:
I. the camera shall be so located as to accomplish the general requirements, and
II. there shall be an equivalent viewing system as a backup for the primary system.
2. Portable barriers may be substituted for .01(9)(d)1. where fixed barriers are inappropriate for the x-ray procedures but only upon written application to the Department stating the reasons a portable operator's barrier is necessary.
3. Design Requirements for Portable barriers.
(i) The barrier shall meet shielding and viewing requirements of .01(9)(d)1. (i) and (iii).
(ii) Clear instructions on the placement and use of the barrier shall be posted on the operator's side of the barrier.
4. Lead aprons shall be used by persons who assist in procedures where holding or close contact with a patient undergoing an x-ray procedure is required.
(10) Copy of Design Maintained. A copy of the shielding design as submitted to and approved by the Department shall be kept on file at the facility.
(11) Compliance. After receiving written notice that specific areas of non-compliance with these rules and regulations exist in a registered x-ray facility, the registrant shall make required corrections and notify the Department of the action(s) taken within the time authorized by the Department which shall not exceed 60 days.
(12) Impounding.
(a) In the event of an emergency, the department shall have the authority to impound or order the impounding of sources of radiation in the possession of any person who is not equipped to observe or fails to observe the provisions of the Act or these regulations.
(b) The department may release such sources of radiation to the owner thereof upon terms and conditions in accordance with the Act and these regulations or may bring an action in the appropriate superior court for an order condemning such sources of radiation and providing for their destruction or other disposition so as to protect the public health and safety.
(13) Rules and Regulations. Each registrant shall possess a current copy of the Rules and Regulations for X-Ray, Chapter 111-8-90, which shall be maintained in the registered facility.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 111-8-90-.01

Ga. L. 1964, pp. 507, 569, 570; O.C.G.A. §§ 31-13-3, 31-13-5, 31-13-8.

Original Rule entitled "General Provisions" adopted. F. Oct. 9, 2020; eff. Oct. 29, 2020.