Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 111-8-62-.16

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 111-8-62-.16 - Admission Agreement
(1) A written admission agreement must be entered into between the governing body and the resident. Such agreement must contain the following:
(a) A current statement of all fees and daily, weekly or monthly charges; any other services which are available on an additional fee basis, for which the resident must sign; a request acknowledging the additional cost; and the services provided in the home for that charge.
(b) A statement that residents and their representatives or legal surrogates must be informed, in writing, at least 30 days prior to any increase in established charges related to the provision of personal services and at least 60 days prior to any increase in charges for room and board.
(c) The resident's authorization and consent to release medical information to the home as needed.
(d) Provisions for the administrator or on-site manager's continuous assessment of the resident's needs, referral for appropriate services as may be required if the resident's condition changes and referral for transfer or discharge if required due to a change in the resident's condition.
(e) Provision for transportation of residents for shopping, recreation, rehabilitation and medical services, which must be available either as a basic service or on a reimbursement basis. Provision must also be made for access to emergency transportation at all times.
(f) A statement of the home's refund policy including but not limited to when a resident decides not to move into the home, dies, is transferred or discharged.
(g) A statement that a resident may not perform services for the home.
(h) A copy of the house rules, which must be in writing and also posted in the home. House rules must be consistent with residents' rights. House rules must include, but not be limited to, policies regarding the use of tobacco and alcohol, the times and frequency of use of the telephone, visitors, hours and volume for viewing and listening to television, radio and other audiovisual equipment, whether residents' personal pets or household pets are permitted and the use of personal property.
(i) For residents first admitted after the effective date of these rules, a statement disclosing whether the home permits the resident to hire independent proxy caregivers, sitters, or requires the purchase of such services from the home or approved providers.
(j) For residents first admitted after the effective date of these rules, the admission agreement must disclose how and by what level of staff medications are handled in the home. The agreement must also specify who is responsible for initial acquisition, refilling of prescribed medications and whether unit or multi-dose packaging of medications is required.
(k) An explanation of how and when residents must be discharged or transferred from the home.
(1) For residents first admitted after the effective date of these rules, an explanation of how social media, photos of residents and other media involving residents are handled.
(2) Each resident, and representative, where applicable, prior to the execution of the admissions agreement, must have an opportunity to read the agreement. In the event that a resident is unable to read the agreement, the administrator or on-site manager must take special steps to assure communication of its contents to the resident.
(3) The resident and representative or legal surrogate, if any, must each be given a signed copy of the agreement and a copy signed by both parties (resident and administrator or on-site manager) must be retained in the resident's file and maintained by the administrator or on-site manager of the home.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 111-8-62-.16

O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-7, 31-2-9, 31-7-1, 31-7-2.1, 31-7-12.

Original Rule entitled "Admission" adopted. F. Nov. 19, 2009; eff. Dec. 9, 2009.
Amended: New Title "Admission Agreement." F. Dec. 19, 2012; eff. Jan. 8, 2013.
Amended: F. Apr. 16, 2018; eff. May 6, 2018.