Rule 110-19-1-.02 - Eligible Applicants(1) Eligible applicants under this program shall be municipalities with a population of 100,000 or less, counties with a population of 100,000 or less, and development authorities proposing projects in municipalities or counties with a population of 100,000 or less. Population estimates shall be based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau population estimates. Once an eligible applicant exceeds a population of 100,000, it shall remain eligible for a period of one year. All applicant communities must meet the criteria outlined in rule section 110-19-1-.02(4) and be in compliance with the state requirements regarding comprehensive planning and reporting, the Report of Local Government Finances and, when applicable, local government authority registration.(2) If the applicant is not the municipality in which the proposed activities will take place, then the application must include a resolution of support and commitment of cooperation from the applicable local government.(3) Eligible applicants must apply for loans under this program in a format and manner prescribed by the Department of Community Affairs (hereafter referred to as the Department). Loan applications may be submitted in writing to the Departmentat: Georgia Department of Community Affairs Downtown Development
Revolving Loan Fund Program
Community Development & Finance Division
60 Executive Park South, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30329-2231
(4) Eligible applicants must have an existing downtown commercial area that meets two or more of the following characteristics:(a) A significant number of commercial structures fifty (50) years old or older;(b) Empty storefronts or documentation of an immediate threat to a downtown's commercial viability;(c) A feasibility/market analysis identifying the businesses/activities which can be supported in the downtown area and a plan for attracting or retaining such businesses/activities;(d) A downtown master plan and/or strategic plan designed to guide public or private investment;(e) Commitment(s) for private/public funding to support downtown development activities (from banks, downtown development authorities, local businesses, other government agencies, etc.) enhancing, directly or indirectly the activity(s) to be financed with the Department's loan.(5) The forms provided will include guidelines and other necessary or helpful information.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 110-19-1-.02
O.C.G.A. § 50-8-2.
Original grant description entitled "Eligible Applicants" submitted July 7, 1999.Submitted: Jan. 19, 2000.Submitted: Aug. 15, 2007.Amended: F. Dec. 14, 2018; eff. Jan. 3, 2019.