The following amendments to codes are hereby adopted by the Board of Community Affairs as amendments to the Georgia State Minimum Standard Codes for Construction:
Chapter 10 Means of Egress
Section 1005 Special Exit Requirement
* Revise subsection 1005.6 Mezzanines, to read as follows:
The State's minimum requirements for means of egress from mezzanines shall be established by the Life Safety Code. Areas not specifically addressed by the Life Safety Code and which are addressed by the Standard Building Code, the Standard Building Code shall be used as a supplement.
Chapter 16 Structural Loads
Section 1609 Load Combinations
* Revise Section 1609.2 regarding strength design to read as follows:
Except for load combinations which include seismic, load factors for ultimate strength of concrete, LRFD of wood and plastic design or LRFD of steel shall be indicated in the appropriate design standards referenced in this code. (Remainder of section unchanged)
Chapter 19 Concrete
Section 1906 Mixing and Placing Concrete
* Add a new Section 1906.1.2 to read as follows:
1906.1.2 Cells and cavities in masonry units of foundation and basement walls shall be cleaned of all trash, debris, wood scraps, and other extraneous content before concrete placement.
Chapter 23 Wood
Section 2301 Scope
* Add the following standard to subsection 2301.2.5:
American Forest and Paper Association
AF&PA/ASCE 16-95 Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
Standard for Engineered Wood Construction.
*Revise subsection 2301.4.7 to read as follows:
Hardwood and decorative plywood shall be manufactured and identified as required in ANSI/HPVA HP-1.
Section 2304 Protection Against Decay and Termites
*Add a new Section 2304.6 to read as follows:
2304.6 All Concrete or mortar excess along the exterior foundation perimeter shall be broken away and removed prior to chemical soil treatment of the exterior in order to enhance penetration of the chemical into the soil which is directly adjacent to the exterior.
Chapter 26 Plastic
Section 2603 Foam Plastic Insulation
* Add an exception to subsection 2603.1.3 to read as follows:
1. Where an approved method of protecting the foam plastic and structure from subterranean termite damage is provided.
(renumber the remaining exceptions)
Chapter 35 Reference Standards
Section 3502 Referenced Standards
* Add the following standard:
Standard Designation Section
AF&PA/ASCE Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Standard for Engineered Wood Construction. 16-95 2301.2.5
* Delete reference standard ANSI/HPMA HP-83, NfoPA Design Values for Joists and Rafters and NfoPA National Design Specification for Wood Construction 1991 and Design Values for Wood Construction, July 1991, NfoPA Span Table for Joist and Rafters, 1993, NfoPA Technical Report No. 7. The Permanent Wood Foundation System, 1/87, NfoPA Wood Construction Data No. 5 Heavy Timber Construction Details, 1990 and substitute the following standards respectively:
Standard Designation Section
ANSI/HPVA HP-1-1994 Hardwood and decorative Plywood | 2301.4.7 |
AF & PA Design Values for Joists and Rafters, 1997 | 2301.5 |
ANSI/AF&PA National Design Specification for Wood Construction | 709.6.3.3 |
(NDS®), 1997 and Design Values for Wood Construction, 1997, 1707.3.1 a Supplement to the National Design Specification | 2301.2.5 |
2310.3.2 | |
2310.4.3 | |
2311.3.2 | |
2311.4.2 | |
2312.4 | |
2312.4.5.1 | |
312.4.5.2 | |
2312.4.6 | |
AF&PA Span Table for Joist and Rafters, 1993 | 2307.3.1 |
2309.1.1 | |
AF&PA Technical Report No. 7, The Permanent Wood Foundation System, 1/87 | 1804.8 |
2306.3 | |
AF & PA Wood Construction Data No. 5,Heavy Timber Construction Details, 1990 | 2301.2.5 |
Section 3505 Organizations
* Change the names and addresses of the HPMA and the NfoPA respectively, to read as follows:
HPVA | Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association P. O. Box 2789 Reston, Virginia 22090-2789 |
AF&PA | American Forest and Paper Association 111 19th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 |
(The remainder of the section is unchanged)
Chapter 3 Building Planning
Section 323 Protection Against Termites
Subsection 323.1.1 Foam Plastics
* Add an exception number 2 (and number the existing exception "1") to subsection 323.1.1 Foam Plastics to read as follows:
2. Where an approved method of protecting the foam plastic and structure from subterranean termite damage is provided.
* Add a new Section 323.4 to read as follows:
323.4 Cells and cavities in masonry units of foundation and basement walls shall be cleaned of all trash, debris, wood scraps, and other extraneous content before concrete placement.
* Add a new Section 323.5 to read as follows:
323.5 All Concrete or mortar excess along the exterior foundation perimeter shall be broken away and removed prior to chemical soil treatment of the exterior in order to enhance penetration of the chemical into the soil which is directly adjacent to the exterior.
* Add a new Section 325 to read as follows:
325 Deck Construction
325.1 Application: The provisions of this section shall control the design and construction of exterior balconies, decks, and porches.
325.1.2 Requirements: Exterior decks, porches, and its structural elements shall be capable of accommodating all superimposed live, dead, and other loads according to Section 301 and all lateral loads in accordance with this code. Fills which support footings, shall be designed, installed and tested in accordance with accepted engineering practice.
325.2 Attachment to structure: Exterior decks, and porches shall be secured to a 11/2 inch main structural member by 1/2 inch bolts installed 32 inches on center or shall be self-supporting and attached as prescribed in 325.2.
325.2.1 Flashing: Exterior balconies, decks, and porches shall be flashed in accordance with Section 703.8.
325.3 Framing Details: Framing members shall be fastened in accordance with Table 602.3a using corrosion resistant fasteners or equivalent. Floor joists shall be supported by a minimum of 11/2 inch bearing surface.
325.4 Bracing: Adequate bracing shall be provided to resist lateral movement.
325.5 Footings: Footings shall comply with Section 403.
325.6 Guardrails: Guardrails shall comply with Section 315.3, and 315.4.
325.7 Stairs: Stairs leading from exterior balconies, decks, and porches shall comply with Section 314.
Chapter 4 Foundations
Section 403 Footings
Subsection 403.1 General
* Revise Subsection 403.1 so as to read as follows:
403.1 General All exterior walls shall be supported on continuous solid masonry or concrete footings, wood foundations, or other approved structural systems which shall be of sufficient design to support safely, the loads imposed as determined from the character of the soil and, except when erected on solid rock or otherwise protected from frost, shall extend below the frost line as specified in Table 301.2a. Minimum sizes for concrete or masonry footings and anchor bolt placement shall be set forth in Table 403.1 and Figure 403.1a. Footing for wood foundations shall be in accordance with the details set forth in Section 404.2, Figure 403.1b and 403.1c.
Chapter 6 Fire Protection
Section 603 Installation and maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Appliances
Subsection 603.3 Portable Fire Extinguishers
* Delete subsection 603.3 in its entirety and substitute the following:
603.3 Portable Fire Extinguishers The State's minimum requirements for portable fire extinguishers shall be established by the Life Safety Code. Areas not specifically addressed by the Life Safety Code but which are addressed by the Standard Fire Prevention Code or the Standard Building Code, the Standard Fire Prevention Code or the Standard Building Code shall be used as a supplement.
Chapter 9, Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Section 907 Service Stations
Subsection 907.3 Storage and Handling
* Delete subsection 907.3.5.6 in its entirety and substitute the following:
See NFiPA 30A, Section 2-4.2 Storage Tanks for requirements regarding storage tanks.
Chapter 5 Water Heaters
Section 506 Connections
* Add a sentence to the end of subsection 506.2 to read as follows:
Hot water supply systems in buildings, where the developed length of hot water piping from the source to the farthest fixture exceeds 100 feet, shall maintain heated water temperature in all supply piping to within 40 feet of any heated water outlet.
Chapter 6 Water Supply and Distribution
Section 607 Sizing of Water Distribution Systems
Subsection 607.9 Water Pressure Reducing Valve of Regulators
* Delete subsection 607.9.3 in its entirety.
* Delete subsection 607.9.4 in its entirety.
Chapter 7 Sanitary Drainage
Section 704 Building Sewer
Subsection 704.6 Minimum Size Building Sewer
* Revise Subsection 704.6 to read as follows:
No Building sewer can be less than 4 inches in size with the exception of a branch, not less than 2 inches in size, serving a detached garage, accessory building or forced lines.
Subsection 704.7 Back Water Valves
* Add a new subsection 704.7 Back Water Valves to read as follows:
704.7 Back Water Valves
704.7.1 Fixture Branches
Backwater valves shall be installed in the branch of the building drain, which receives only the discharge from fixtures located within the such branch on the same floor, and shall be located below grade. Where fixtures are located below the level of the top of the first upstream manhole, such fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve.
704.7.2 Material
Backwater valves shall have all bearing parts of corrosion resistant material. Backwater valves shall comply with ASME A112.14.1, CSA CAN/CSA-B181.1, or CSA CAN/CSA-B181.2
704.7.3 Seal
Backwater valves shall be so constructed as to insure a mechanical seal against backflow.
704.7.4 Diameter
Backwater valves, when fully open, shall have a capacity not less than that of the pipes in which they are installed.
704.7.5 Location
Backwater valves shall be so installed to be accessible for service and repair.
Chapter 9 Vents
Section 902 Definitions
* Revise the definition of branch vent as follows:
BRANCH VENT - a vent connecting one or more individual vents with a vent stack, or stack vent or terminating in the open air.
Section 920 Size and Length of Vents
* Add a new section 920.4.1 to read as follows:
920.4.1 A branch vent shall only vent fixtures on the same floor level that connect to a horizontal branch or fixture branch.
Chapter 11 Storm Drainage
Section 1112 Backwater Valves
* Delete Section 1112 Backwater Valves in its entirety. Refer to Section 704.7 for requirements regarding backwater valves.
* The 1999 Edition of the National Electrical Code is hereby adopted in its entirety as if quoted verbatim herein.
The following Georgia Amendments to the 1999 Edition of the National Electrical Code are adopted in conjunction thereto:
Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection
Article 210 Branch Circuits
Section 210-8(b)Other Dwelling Units
* Add a new location to the list of locations as follows:
3) Within 6 feet of a sink or basin, excluding those listed in Section 517-21.
Section 210-70 Lighting Outlets Required
* Amend subsection 210-70(a)(1) Habitable Rooms to read as follows:
(1) Habitable Rooms. At least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet "to provide illumination" shall be installed in every habitable room and bedroom. "A lighting fixture shall be permitted to be installed meeting the requirements of Section 410-8(b), (c) and (d)."
* Add and exception to subsection 210-70(a)(3) Storage or Equipment Space to read as follows: Exception: No lighting is required in attic spaces that have no equipment and the space is less than 30" in continuous height for a distance of 72" in depth when measured perpendicular to the access opening. If a light fixture is installed in such spaces it shall meet the requirement of Section 410-8(a).
Article 220 Branch-Circuit, Feeder and Service Calculations
Section 220-30 Optional Calculation-Dwelling Unit
* Amend subsection 220-30(c)so as to read as follows:
(c) Heating and air-conditioning Load. Include the largest of the following five selections (load in kVA). 100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the air conditioning and cooling, including heat pump compressors.
100 percent of the nameplate ratings of electric thermal storage and other heating systems where the usual load is expected to be continuous at the full nameplate value. Systems qualifying under this selection shall not be calculated under any other selection in (c). 65 percent of the nameplate ratings(s) of the central electric space heating, including integral supplemental heating in heat pumps. 65 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of electric space heating if less than four separately controlled units. 40 percent of the nameplate ratings(s) of electric space heating if four or more separately controlled units.
Article 250 Grounding
Section 250-104 Bonding of Piping Systems and Exposed Structural Steel Subsection 250-104(b)Metal Gas Piping
* Add the following to subsection 250-104(b):
The bonding jumper shall be sized in accordance with Table 250-122 using the rating of the circuit that may energize the piping. The equipment grounding conductor for the circuit that may energize the piping shall be permitted to serve as the bonding means.
Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials
Article 333 Armored Cable
Section 333-3 Uses Permitted
* Add the following to Section 333-3:
Armored cable without the bonding strip inside the armor of the cable shall be limited for use only in existing installations and limited to six feet in any ground return path or be protected by GFCI or by AFCI when the cable exceeds six feet in length.
FPN: Armored cable without the bonding strip has a high impedance ground return path in lengths exceeding six feet and constitutes a fire or shock hazard due to ground faults.
Article 364 Busways
Section 364-9 Overcurrent Protection
* Revise Section 364-9 to read as follows:
(a) General. Overcurrent protection shall be provided in accordance with Sections 364-10 through 364-13.
(b) Residential Occupancies. Residential occupancies shall be ground-fault protected when provided for solidly grounded wye busways of more than 100 volt to ground, but not exceeding 600 volts phase-to-phase for each overcurrent device rated 1000 amperes or more.
Exception to (b): For existing buildings where records indicate the systems have been adequately maintained."
Chapter 4 Equipment for General Use
Article 410 Lighting Fixtures, Lampholders, Lamps and Receptacles
Section 410-57(b)Wet Locations
* Delete Section 410-57(b) and substitute the following:
410-57 (b). Wet Locations a receptacle installed in a wet location shall be in a weatherproof enclosure, the integrity of which is not affected when the attachment plug cap is inserted or removed.
Chapter 6 Special Equipment
Article 695 Fire Pumps
Section 695-6 Power Wiring
Subsection 695-6(b)Circuit Conductors
* Amend subsection 695-6(b)so as to read as follows: They shall be permitted to be routed through a building(s) encased in 2 in. (50.8mm) of concrete, or they shall be permitted to be a listed electrical circuit protective systems with a minimum of 1-hour fire resistance with a minimum of 1-hour fire resistance.
Chapter 7 Special Conditions
Article 700 Emergency Systems
Section 700-9 Wiring, Emergency System
Subsection 700-9(d)(1) Fire Protection
* Amend subsection 700-9(d)(1) as follows: Delete letter (d) under subsection 700-9(d)(1) and reletter the remaining conditions.
Appendix D
* Correct Example No. D2 in Appendix D so as to read as follows:
Example No. D2(c). (Page 70-610) Optional Calculation for One- Family Dwelling with Heat Pump (Single-Phase, 240/120-Volt Service). (see Section 220-30).
Heat Pump and Supplementary Heat*:
20.76 kVA × 65% = 13.49 kVA
Totals | |
Net general load | 19,280 VA |
Heat pump and supplementary heat | 13,490 VA |
Total | 32770 VA |
32.77 kVA × 1000 ÷ 240 V = A 136.5 A
This dwelling unit would be permitted to be served by a 150-A service.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 110-11-1-.09
O.C.G.A. Sec. 8-2-20et seq.