Section 64B4-2.001 - Definition of "Experience" for Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling(1) Two year(s) of "clinical experience, " for clinical social work, marriage and family therapy or mental health counseling as used in Section 491.005, F.S.; (a) Consists of at least 1500 hours of providing psychotherapy face-to-face with clients as a registered intern for the profession for which licensure is sought; and,(b) Shall be accrued in no less than 100 weeks.(2) Credit for post-master's clinical experience earned in another state shall be granted if it meets the requirements specified in Section 491.005(1)(c), (3)(c), or (4)(c), F.S.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 64B4-2.001
Rulemaking Authority 491.004(5) FS. Law Implemented 491.005(1)(c), (3)(c), (4)(c) FS.
New 7-6-88, Amended 12-29-91, Formerly 21CC-2.001, 61F4-2.001, 59P-2.001, Amended 11-13-97, 10-28-98.New 7-6-88, Amended 12-29-91, Formerly 21CC-2.001, 61F4-2.001, 59P-2.001, Amended 11-13-97, 10-28-98.