Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 62-341.021 - Definitions (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.201 - Policy and Purpose (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.215 - General Conditions for All Noticed General Permits (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.417 - General Permit for Construction, Alteration, Operation, and Maintenance of Boat Ramp Facilities (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.427 - General Permit for Certain Piers and Associated Structures (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.428 - General Permit for Floating Vessel Platforms and Floating Boat Lifts (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.431 - General Permit for Installation of Riprap (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.437 - General Permit for the Installation of Fences (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.439 - General Permit for the Construction or Maintenance of Culverted Driveway or Roadway Crossings, and Bridges of Artificial Waterways (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.443 - General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties and Municipalities for Minor Bridge Alteration, Replacement, Maintenance and Operation (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.447 - General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties, and Municipalities for Minor Activities Within Existing Rights-of-Way or Easements (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.448 - General Permit to Counties and Municipalities to Pave Existing County or Municipally Owned and Maintained Roads, Including the Repair and Replacement of Bridges That Are Part of the Roadway (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.453 - General Permit for Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Underground Cable, Conduit, or Pipeline (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.455 - General Permit for the Construction of Aerial Pipeline, Cable, and Conduit Crossings of Certain Waters (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.457 - General Permit for Subaqueous Utility Crossings of Artificial Waterways (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.463 - General Permit for the Construction and Operation of Culverts and Associated Water Control Structures in Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.467 - General Permit for Breaching Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.475 - General Permit for Minor Activities (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.476 - General Permit for Private Single-Family Residences Within Jupiter Farms, Palm Beach County (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.483 - General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Conduct Minor Activities (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.485 - General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.486 - General Permit to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.487 - General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Change Operating Schedules for Water Control Structures (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.490 - Noticed General Permit for Dredging by the West Coast Inland Navigation District (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.491 - Noticed General Permit for Raising the Height of Existing Earthen Embankments for Impoundments at Facilities for Mining Sand and Limestone (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.492 - Noticed General Permit for Prospecting (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.494 - Noticed General Permit for Public Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Lee County (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.495 - General Permit to the U.S. Forest Service for Minor Works within National Forests (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.500 - General Permit for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Minor Silvicultural Surface Water Management Systems (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.600 - General Permit for the Construction of Artificial Reefs (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.601 - General Permit for Clam and Oyster Culture on Sovereignty Submerged Lands Aquaculture Leases (Repealed)
- Section 62-341.602 - General Permit for Installation and Maintenance of Intake and Discharge Pipes Associated with Marine Bivalve Facilities (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.603 - General Permit for Non-nursery Cultivation and Wild Collection of Aquatic Plants (Repealed)
- Section 62-341.610 - General Permit to Perform Prospecting Activities for Phosphate Minerals (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.611 - General Permit for Temporary Dragline Crossings of Waterways (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.612 - General Permit for Low Water Crossings (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.620 - General Permit for the Construction and Maintenance of Electric Power Lines by Electric Utilities (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.621 - General Permit for Relocation of Aerial Electric and Communication Lines Associated with Road Improvement Projects (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.630 - General Permit for Single Family Residential Lots Within the Indian Trail Water Control District (Transferred)
- Section 62-341.900 - Noticed General Permit Forms (Transferred)