- Section 6C4-4.0010 - Parking General Guidelines, Registration, Penalties And Rates
- Section 6C4-4.0011 - Traffic and Moving Violations
- Section 6C4-4.002 - Driving and Parking on Campus (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0021 - Bicycle Traffic and Parking Regulations (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.00210 - Traffic Regulations (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.00211 - Regulations Governing Scooters, Motorcycles, Bicycles and Mopeds (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.00212 - Towing/Immobilizing of Vehicles (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.00213 - Violations, Penalties and Fines (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.00214 - Citation - Payment and Appeal Process (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0022 - Canines on Campus (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0023 - Driving and Parking on Campus (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0024 - Definitions for Rules 6C4-4.00210 through 6C4-4.00214 and 6C4-4.0023 through 6C4-4.0029, F.A.C (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0025 - Registration Regulations (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0026 - Vehicle Registration Fees (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0027 - Parking Regulations (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0028 - Visitor/Temporary Parking Permits (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0029 - Disabled Parking (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.003 - University Property (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.004 - Check Cashing (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.005 - Refunds (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.006 - Grievances - (Non-Unit) University Support Personnel Staff (USPS) (Transferred)
- Section 6C4-4.007 - University Support Personnel Staff (USPS) Personnel Files (Transferred)
- Section 6C4-4.008 - Disciplinary Action - (Non-Unit) University Support Personnel Staff (USPS) (Transferred)
- Section 6C4-4.009 - Accounts Receivable (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0095 - Employee Debt Collection (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.010 - Cancellation of Registration for Nonpayment of Tuition and Fees and Returned Checks in Payment of Tuition and Fees (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0101 - Student Registration (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0102 - Tuition and Fees (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.0107 - Special Fees, Fines and Penalties (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.011 - Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01101 - Application (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01103 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01105 - Procurement Organization (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01107 - Delegations of Authority (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01109 - Formal Bids Required (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01111 - No General Contract for Class B Printing (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01112 - Request for Proposals (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01113 - Source Selection and Contract Formation (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01115 - Sole Source Procurement (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01117 - Emergency Procurement (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01119 - Cancellation of Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, or Request for Quotations (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01121 - Responsibility of Bidders (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01123 - Multi-term Contracts (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01125 - Cancellation Clause (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01127 - Use of Contracts Issued by the Florida Division of Purchasing (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01129 - Right to Inspect Bidder's Facility (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01131 - Reporting of Anticompetitive Practices (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01133 - Specifications (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01135 - Performance Deposits and Payments and Performance Bonds (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01137 - Acquisition of Printing, Duplicating, and Reproductive Equipment (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01141 - Authority to Debar or Suspend Vendors (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01143 - Cooperative Purchasing (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01145 - Assistance to Small and Minority Business Enterprises (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01147 - Code of Ethics and Conduct (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01149 - Classes of Contractual Services and Statistical Reporting (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.012 - Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01201 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01203 - Approval (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01205 - Standard Lease Form (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01207 - Fire Code Compliance in Leased Space (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01209 - Leases of 5,000 or More Square Feet (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01211 - Competitive Bidding (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01212 - Single Source Facilities (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01213 - Disclosure Statements (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01215 - Legal Review (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01217 - Certification of Compliance (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.013 - Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01301 - Approval for Vehicles and Watercraft Acquisitions (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01303 - Acquisition and Disposal (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01305 - Assignment and Use (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01307 - Maintenance (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01309 - Aircraft (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.014 - Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01401 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01403 - Reporting Requirements for Surplus, State-owned, Tangible Personal Property (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01405 - Certification (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01407 - Buildings and Structures (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01409 - Items to be Reported (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01411 - Procedures for Disposal of Surplus Property (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01413 - Availability of Surplus State Property (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01415 - Surplus Property with an Estimated Value of $5,000 or More (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01417 - Authority for Disposal (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01419 - Exchange Property (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01421 - Contract/Grant Funded Property (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01423 - Disposition of Monies (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.01425 - Fee Assessment and Remittance (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02000 - Statement of Intent (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02010 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02020 - Purchasing Services Duties (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02030 - Competitive Solicitation Requirements (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02040 - Purchase of Commodities or Contractual Services (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02050 - Bonds (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02060 - Contracts (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02070 - Standards of Conduct (Repealed)
- Section 6C4-4.02080 - Purchase of Motor Vehicles (Repealed)