The Small Business Enterprise Contracting Rule in this part provides for 2 Competitive Solicitation Preferences designed to assist small businesses. Sheltered Market and Subcontracting Requirements are outlined below.
Any bidder failing to meet the established goal shall be deemed non-Responsive. If the prime bidder is an SBE Prime, only Form 0956 must be submitted with its bid.
At the time a work order with an SBE goal is assigned, the Prime Contractor shall submit a cost proposal, and identify all SBE subcontractors and the percentage of work that the SBE subcontractor(s) will perform by using Form No. 0956, "Small Business Enterprise Subcontractor Participation Schedule, " incorporated by reference in paragraph (2)(a) herein. All cost proposals shall also include Form No. 0957, "Statement of Intent to Perform as a Small Business Enterprise Subcontractor, " also incorporated by reference in paragraph (2)(a) herein. Form No. 0957 shall be signed by the SBE subcontractor. A work order will not be executed with a Prime contractor whose cost proposal does not meet the established goal for that work order. The District will set the SBE goal in any particular work order based on the availability of SBE firms. In addition, failure to meet the goal set by the District for an executed work order will result in a breach of contract by the Prime Contractor.
Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 40E-7.670
Rulemaking Authority 373.044, 373.113 FS. Law Implemented 373.1135 FS.
New 8-3-06, Amended 8-29-07, 8-29-13, 12-9-20.