- Section 40A-1.001 - Description of Organization (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.0015 - General Information Concerning the District (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.002 - Variances from Water Shortage Plan (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.0020 - Delegations of Authority (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.0025 - Authority of the Governing Board (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.003 - Interagency Agreements (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.004 - Agreements (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.0045 - District Funds
- Section 40A-1.011 - Policy and Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.021 - Definitions
- Section 40A-1.031 - Implementation (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.041 - Permits; Procedure (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.071 - Meetings, Workshops, and Notices (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.072 - Emergency Meetings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.073 - Conducting Meetings, Hearings, and Workshops by Communications Media Technology (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.081 - Agendas (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.082 - Agency Clerk and Official Reporter (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.091 - Rule Making Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.121 - Notice and Hearing Requirements (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.131 - Personnel Rules (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.180 - Procedures for Contracting for Professional Services (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.181 - Contract Bidding - Reservation of Rights (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.182 - Contract Bidding - Resolution of Protest (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.201 - Permit Applications - General (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.202 - Permits Required (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.2025 - Fees
- Section 40A-1.2026 - Easements Across District Owned Lands to Privately-Owned Lands
- Section 40A-1.203 - Permit Application Procedure
- Section 40A-1.204 - Denial of Permit (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.205 - Suspension, Revocation, Cancellation and Modification of District Permits
- Section 40A-1.206 - Temporary Permits (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.207 - Complaints
- Section 40A-1.208 - Administrative Enforcement Action
- Section 40A-1.209 - Emergency Action
- Section 40A-1.301 - Commencement of Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.303 - Notice of Proceedings and the Proposed Rules (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.307 - Content of Notice (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.311 - Petitions to Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.313 - District Action on Petitions to Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.327 - Rulemaking Materials (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.330 - Rulemaking Proceeding - No Hearing (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.331 - Rulemaking Proceeding - Hearing (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.335 - Incorporation by Reference (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.337 - Emergency Rule Adoption (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.401 - General (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.405 - Purpose and Use of Declaratory Statement (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.407 - District Disposition (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.501 - Scope (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.502 - Presiding Officer (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.503 - Computation of Time (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.504 - Parties (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.505 - Appearances; Criteria for Authorized Representation (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.506 - Consolidation (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.507 - Joinder of Parties (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.508 - Disqualification (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.509 - Filing and Service of Papers (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.510 - District Investigations and Probable Cause Determination
- Section 40A-1.511 - Point of Entry into Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.521 - Initiation of Formal Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.522 - Amendment of Petitions (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.523 - Answer (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.524 - Motions (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.525 - Motions in Opposition to Petition (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.526 - Prehearing Conferences (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.527 - Intervention (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.528 - Discovery (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.529 - Notice of Hearing (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.530 - Continuances (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.531 - Dismissal and Default (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.541 - Subpoenas (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.542 - Witness Fees (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.543 - Order of Presentation (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.544 - Burden of Proof (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.545 - Witnesses (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.546 - Evidence (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.547 - Recordation (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.548 - Venue (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.561 - Post-hearing Memoranda (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.562 - Recommended Order (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.564 - Exceptions to Recommended Order (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.565 - Final Order (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.571 - Informal Proceedings (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.572 - Submission of Evidence (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.573 - Final Order (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.600 - Lobbyist Registration Prodecures
- Section 40A-1.801 - Procedures for Contracting for Professional Services (Transferred)
- Section 40A-1.1002 - Variances from Water Shortage Plan (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.1003 - Variance and Emergency Variance or Authorization Procedures
- Section 40A-1.1010 - Point of Entry Into Proceedings
- Section 40A-1.1020 - General Procedures for Permit Applications (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.1030 - Contract Bidding - Resolution of Protest (Repealed)
- Section 40A-1.1040 - General Permits (Repealed)