Chapter 38K-1 - BLIND SERVICES
- Section 38K-1.002 - Definitions (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.003 - Establishment of Vending Facilities (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.004 - Issuance of License (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.0041 - Conditions for Removal from a Facility; Suspension or Revocation of License (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.0042 - Emergency Removal of a Vendor from a Vending Facility (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.0043 - Grievance Procedure (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.0044 - Announcement of Facility Vacancies (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.0045 - Application and Selection (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.009 - The State Committee of Vendors (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.010 - Operator License Agreement (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.012 - Newspaper Vending Sales (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.013 - Incorporation by Reference (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.015 - Forms and Instructions (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.023 - Solicitation of Funds for Blind Persons (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.033 - General Description of Services and Procedures (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.035 - Eligibility Determination (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.036 - Economic Need Policies (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.037 - The Individualized Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation (Transferred)
- Section 38K-1.039 - Determination That a Client Has Been Rehabilitated (Transferred)