Neither participants nor funds shall be used to either promote or oppose unionization.
No individual shall be required to join a union as a condition for enrollment in a program, unless the individual is employed under a collective bargaining agreement containing a union security provision.
Participants working in any position affected by a labor dispute involving a work stoppage-shall be re-located to positions not affected by the dispute suspended through administrative leave or treated as any other union member, except that the members shall not remain working in the affected position.
YES shall make every effort to re-locate participants who wish to continue working, into suitable positions unaffected by the work stoppage.
No participant shall be referred to or placed in an on-the-job training position affected by a labor dispute involving a work stoppage and no payments may be made to employers for the training and employment of participants in on-the-job training during the periods of work stoppage.
Nothing in this section shall prevent an employer from checking off union dues or service fees if required by applicable collective bargaining agreements or state law.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-421