D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-1605
The solicitation used to initiate a procurement conducted by competitive negotiation is known as a Request for Proposals ("RFP"). Each RFP shall be publicized, at a minimum on the Board's website, and include a deadline for offerors to submit a proposal consistent with the requirements of this section.
The Contracting Officer shall compile a list of at least three (3) vendors that the CO reasonably believes are qualified to provide the goods or services specified in the RFP. If the CO is unable to locate at least three (3) potential vendors, the CO shall provide the RFP to as many vendors as he or she can reasonably identify.
When information or qualifications are necessary for planning the release of the RFP but cannot be obtained by more economical and less formal means, the CO may conduct a Request for Information ("RFI") or Request for Qualifications ("RFQ"), if it is advantageous to the Board to do so.
The RFP shall be advertised for at least twenty-one (21) days before the date set for the receipt of proposals, unless the Chief Contracting Officer determines in writing that it is appropriate to shorten the notice period to not less than fourteen (14) days. The Chief Contracting Officer shall consider the following factors in determining whether it is appropriate to shorten the notice period:
The RFP shall specify all evaluation criteria and their relative importance. The evaluation criteria provided for in the RFP shall include detailed price or cost information along with any other factors appropriate to the particular procurement such as:
Any changes in the information set forth in the RFP must be made by an amendment to the RFP. Amendments shall be made no less than three (3) business days before the proposal submission date specified by the RFP.
A proposal may be withdrawn or modified at any time before final proposal submission date by any of the methods permitted for submitting proposals.
A late proposal (or late modification or withdrawal) shall not be considered unless such delay is caused by the Board.
The Contracting Officer shall evaluate proposals based solely on the evaluation criteria specified in the RFP. In evaluating past performance, the CO shall not be limited to considering only the information from references listed by the offeror.
After initial proposals have been evaluated, the Contracting Officer may:
At the conclusion of discussions, if applicable, the Contracting Officer shall request that the offerors submit best and final offers by a common submission date. If the CO is unable to award a contract after best and final offers have been evaluated and negotiated, the CO may proceed to negotiate with the next three (3) highest ranked offerors. The CO may proceed to select a contractor by this method until a contract is awarded or the solicitation cancelled.
The contract shall be awarded to the qualified offeror whose proposal is responsive to the RFP and is most advantageous to the Board considering only the evaluation criteria identified in the RFP and the Contracting Officer's determination that the offeror is responsible. The CO shall prepare documentation explaining the basis for the contract award decision which shall be maintained in the contract file.
The Contracting Officer should endeavor to develop clear and concise procurement documents, including contracts and agreements. Contracts or agreements which consist of the solicitation, the proposal, and other documents attached together but not integrated into a single contract document are discouraged.
RFP awards shall be published on the Board's website within seven (7) business days of award and shall include:
All information published under this section shall be removed from the Board's website upon the expiration or termination of the contract, or after five (5) years of award, whichever is longer.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-1605