The following shall be methods for allowing access to records when such access has been granted by a custodian of the personnel records or his or her designee:
Where the requester seeks to obtain original documents, the D.C. Office of Personnel, or the Independent Personnel Authority having custody of the records, may reserve the right to limit the request to copies of the original records.
In no event shall original records be made available for review except in the presence of the custodian of the personnel records or his or her designee. Section 22 -3107 of the District of Columbia Code makes it a crime to deface, mutilate, destroy, abstract or conceal the whole or any part of any record filed in a public office.
Special procedures may be applied when processing requests for medical records where the records contain information about medical conditions of such a nature that a prudent physician would hesitate to inform a person suffering from those conditions of their exact nature or probable outcome.
If the procedures are to be applied, the information sought shall be released only to a licensed physician designated in writing for that purpose by the data subject or the data subject's authorized representative, parent, or legal guardian.
The data subject or the data subject's parent, legal guardian, or authorized representative may be accompanied by someone of his or her choice during personnel access.
Neither the data subject nor his or her representative shall be required to justify the decision to be accompanied during access to a record in the presence of the accompanying individual.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B3117