The payment review process includes the review of reports and documentation
submitted by committees. The documentation supports claims for public matching funds; documentation includes copies of cancelled checks, contribution cards (the signed receipt and Affidavit of the contributor), credit card processing documents, and bank statements and deposit slips.
The initial review of reports and accompanying documentation is to validate payment requests. A second level review is completed and initial reviewer comments are addressed.
The required documentation of payment by instrument type; must include:
If the check is a starter check, and the signature does not appear to be the reported contributor name, the committee will be required to submit a contribution card. A contribution card is also required for contributions made by e-check. Bank/cashier's/certified checks are to be treated as regular checks.
The Office of Campaign Finance will also verify the receipt by the candidate and principal campaign committee of each qualified small dollar contribution from a District resident individual through the examination of cancelled checks, and the committee bank statements and deposit slips for the coverage period of the reported transaction.
The claim for matching funds will not be matched where the examination of the cancelled checks, committee bank statements and deposit slips did not verify the actual receipt by deposit of the qualified small dollar contribution from a District resident individual.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-4302