D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-7601
Each application shall be in writing on a form prescribed by the Department and signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury. If the applicant is married and living with a spouse, both spouses shall sign the application as an applicant unit (hereinafter "applicant").
An authorized representative may apply on behalf of the applicant, if the applicant provides a written and signed statement stating why the applicant cannot apply in person and the name and address of the person authorized to act on the applicant's behalf.
If requested by an applicant with a disability, or the authorized representative of an applicant with a disability, the Provider shall assist such applicant or authorized representative with any aspect of the application process necessary to ensure that the applicant with a disability has an equal opportunity to submit an application.
The Department shall provide application forms and the Provider shall accept applications from each applicant who requests assistance.
At the time of application, each applicant shall be provided with a clear, concise, written notice containing the applicant's rights and responsibilities and the Provider's responsibilities with respect to the Program. The Provider shall request that all applicants sign a document acknowledging receipt of this notice.
As part of the application process, all applicants shall sign a release form authorizing the Provider to obtain or verify information necessary to process the application.
In order to receive HPRP assistance, a household shall participate in an initial consultation with either the HPRP outreach team or the HPRP Provider to determine the appropriate type of assistance to meet their housing needs and shall receive an eligibility determination from an HPRP Provider.
Each applicant shall cooperate fully in establishing his or her eligibility, including the basis of the applicant's homelessness or risk of homelessness, and the extent of the need. This shall include, but not be limited to, providing documentation or collateral proof of:
The Provider shall give to each applicant a written request specifying the information needed to complete the application and the Provider shall discuss with the applicant how to obtain the information. The application is complete when all required information is furnished.
The Provider may use documents, telephone conversations, personal and collateral interviews, reports, correspondence, and conferences to verify applicant information.
The Provider shall complete the eligibility and assistance determination in as short a time as possible but not later than ten (10) calendar days after the date of a completed application. The Provider shall not be responsible for delays caused by:
If an applicant is expected to lose their housing in less than ten (10) calendar days following the date of application, the Provider shall take all reasonable steps to process the application in an expedited manner in time to prevent the loss of housing if the applicant meets all eligibility criteria and a delay in processing the application is not caused by the failure of the applicant to provide documentation necessary for making an eligibility or assistance determination.
The Provider shall create and maintain in the applicant's or participant's file a clear and detailed documentation of the Program's eligibility determination of each applicant, particularly as it relates to the household's eligibility for homelessness prevention assistance in accordance with subsection 7603.1(b), and the household's demonstration that it has no other housing options identified and that the household lacks the financial resources and support networks needed to obtain immediate housing or remain in its existing housing in accordance with subsection 7603.1(f).
If an applicant is determined eligible for HPRP assistance, the Provider shall give to the applicant a Notice of Eligibility and Assistance Determination and include in this notice:
If an applicant is determined eligible and given a Notice of Eligibility and Assistance Determination, but the specific computation of assistance cannot be completed until a later date, the provider shall reissue the Notice of Eligibility and Assistance Determination with the updated computation worksheet and a confirmation of assistance when all information necessary to complete it has been received.
If an applicant is determined ineligible for HPRP assistance, the Provider shall give to the applicant a Notice of Eligibility and Assistance Determination and include in this notice:
An application shall be considered abandoned if the applicant has not obtained and provided to the Provider the required information for eligibility and assistance determination within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of application.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-7601