D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-6228
Facilities are encouraged to recruit staff members who have specialized knowledge and skills and the cultural competency and sensitivity necessary to provide for the residents' safety and developmental needs. Facilities are encouraged to recruit staff members who are representative of the cultural and ethnic groups served by the facility. Staff members include all employees of the facility, all volunteers, and independent contractors who regularly provide services at the facility.
All prospective and existing staff shall undergo a criminal records check prior to commencing work at any facility. The facility shall obtain the written approval of the licensing agency and the contracting entity prior to employing any person who has been convicted of the following offenses or their equivalents:
No facility shall allow any person to serve as a staff person who has a conviction for any of the following offenses or their equivalents:
All prospective and existing staff shall undergo a child protection registry check prior to commencing work at any facility. No facility shall allow any person to serve as a staff person who has been:
The facility shall keep confidential the results of all criminal records and child protection registry checks.
All existing staff shall undergo a physical examination sufficient to determine their general physical condition, freedom from disease in a communicable form, and ability to work closely with or care for children without danger to the children. All prospective staff shall undergo a pre-employment physical examination sufficient to determine their general physical condition, freedom from disease in a communicable form, and ability to work closely with or care for children without danger to the children. All staff shall undergo a follow-up examination every twenty-four (24) months. The facility shall obtain the licensing agency's approval prior to permitting any staff person who tested positive for a communicable disease to provide services in the facility. The facility shall keep confidential all information obtained pursuant to this section.
The facility shall test all prospective and existing staff for drug and alcohol use, in accordance with the following procedures:
The administrator shall:
Administrators employed by a facility in operation on the effective date of this Chapter are exempt from the requirements of § 6228.8
Staff members responsible for the development, implementation, and supervision of the social services of the facility shall have at least a bachelors degree in social work or related area of study from an accredited college or university and at least two (2) years experience in management and supervision of child care services. Staff members providing services at a facility in operation on the effective date of this Chapter who are responsible for the development, implementation, and supervision of the social services of the facility are exempt from the requirements of this section.
Staff members responsible for performing professional services, including psychological, psychiatric, medical, social work, nursing, dental, and education shall have a professional degree and appropriate license in his or her respective fields from an accredited college or university and a current license, if required by law.
Staff members responsible for the daily direct care, nurturance, and supervision of residents shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and shall have a high school or general equivalency diploma.
All prospective and existing staff providing transportation services shall provide the facility a current operator's permit and current driving record.
Whenever food is being prepared, handled, or served for human consumption, one staff member present shall have a Food Handler's Certificate from the District of Columbia Bureau of Food, Drug, and Radiation Protection.
All prospective and existing staff shall provide documentation sufficient to establish their identity, qualifications and experience, including proof of identification, character and work references, verification of education and current licensure or certification, if applicable. For all prospective and existing staff, the facility shall establish the identity, qualifications and experience, including proof of identification, character and work references, verification of education and current licensure or certification, if applicable.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-6228