D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-1642
The first priority of the foster care system shall be to maintain a child in his or her home or that of a relative.
The goals of the foster care system shall be to protect the interest of children at all times which may require out of home placement for children.
Foster family placement shall be preferred to that of institutional placement for children.
Foster care services shall be provided only if it is determined that temporary placement is the best plan and that the child is prepared for placement and is placed in a family which is able to meet the child's needs.
The child-placing agency shall encourage a close and continuing relationship with the birth family and significant others.
The birth parents shall be provided the opportunity to participate in the initial and periodic service plan for the child with specific responsibilities to prepare for the child's return to the home or any other permanent placement.
Except in a case of an emergency placement, each child shall be prepared for the separation from his or her family prior to the actual placement.
The child-placing agency shall place siblings together whenever possible and when it is in the siblings' best interest to do so.
The child-placing agency shall take into consideration a child's religious heritage in the foster care placements.
A written assessment of the needs and strengths of the child and birth family shall be made prior to foster care placement.
The child-placing agency shall protect the health and safety of children in foster care and shall enhance the psychosocial and behavioral adjustment of each child.
The child-placing agency shall make social services assessments to determine that acceptance of the child for foster care is appropriate and that placement of the child is made in accordance with his or her needs. The assessment shall include the following information:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-1642