D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-1628
The child-placing agency shall give the birth parents an opportunity to discuss the options available to them regarding the placement of the child.
When it is considered to be in the best interest of the child, the child-placing agency shall provide social services to the birth family and make referrals to other community resources to help maintain the family unit.
The birth parents shall be given information concerning the legal and other ramifications of adoption and the legal implications of the decision.
Each child-placing agency shall provide counseling and casework services during the decision-making process for the prospective adoptive parent.
Each child-placing agency shall provide older children with counseling and casework services during all phases of the adoption process.
Prior to accepting a child for any placement, a child-placing agency shall obtain written consent to place the child from the legally responsible person or entity which may be the birth parent, guardian, or court.
Prior to accepting a child for placement, a child-placing agency shall obtain written consent to provide routine or emergency medical care from the birth parent, legal guardian, or court.
After accepting a child for placement from another child-placing agency, a child-placing agency shall establish an agreement which will set out the child-placing agency responsible for developing a written statement of the role and responsibilities of each child-placing agency in working with the child, birth family, foster family, and adoptive family.
Each child-placing agency shall provide counseling and casework services to the birth parent and his or her family during all phases of the adoption process.
The child-placing agency shall not encourage the parent or parents of the child to surrender the child by coercion or promise of financial aid or other considerations, nor shall the parent's acceptance for casework service be contingent upon any agreement to surrender the child.
At the time of relinquishment of a child, the birth parent shall sign a notarized statement setting out any financial or in-kind compensation promised or received for surrendering the child.
If the child-placing agency has offered services to a birth parent who has indicated a desire to place a child for adoption and the child is born with or develops a problem that might make placement difficult, the agency may refuse to accept legal custody of the child.
If the child-placing agency refuses to accept legal custody of the child, the agency shall offer services to the child and birth parents to make arrangements consistent with the parents' wishes and the child's best interest.
Each child-placing agency shall maintain a written record of the casework services provided to each birth parent and child. The parents' and children's records may be combined or maintained separately. If maintained separately, the records shall be cross referenced. The records shall include the following:
Each child-placing agency shall maintain current information on the parties involved in an adoption until the time of final adoption.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-1628