D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-10101
Both current EPD Waiver beneficiaries and new EPD Waiver enrollees who meet the requirements of § 10100.2 may elect to enroll in the Services My Way program.
DHCF or its agent shall provide information regarding self-direction and the Services My Way program to all current EPD Waiver beneficiaries and to new EPD Waiver enrollees at the time of EPD Waiver enrollment.
EPD Waiver case managers shall provide information regarding self-direction and the Services My Way program to all EPD Waiver beneficiaries who ar e not enrolled as Services My Way participants each time a beneficiary is reassessed for EPD Waiver services, each time a beneficiary's person-centered plan (PCP) is updated, and upon a beneficiary's request.
All EPD Waiver case managers shall be required to complete a standardized training course on self-direction and the Services My Way program conducted by DHCF prior to the date enrollment begins for the Services My Way program, as well as all ongoing training required by DHCF.
If an EPD Waiver beneficiary expresses interest in the Services My Way program, the beneficiary's EPD Waiver case manager shall assist the beneficiary in revising an existing PCP or developing an initial PCP to include the Services My Way program.
Upon revising the existing PCP or developing an initial PCP which includes the Services My Way program, the EPD Waiver case manager shall submit the PCP which includes the Services My Way program to the Services My Way Program Coordinator for approval.
Enrollment in the Services My Way program shall only occur following the Services My Way Program Coordinator's approval of the beneficiary's PDS budget as described in § 10107 and issuance of a prior authorization for all PDCS services and individual-directed goods and services included in the approved budget.
Beneficiaries shall be notified at the time of enrollment in the Services My Way program that participation in the program is conditioned upon compliance with all program rules and the terms of the Participant/Representative-Employer Agreement.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-10101