D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 27, r. 27-4621
The basic purposes of simplified contracting procedures are to:
Simplified contracting procedures may be used only with contracts, as listed in subsection 4611.2, that have an estimated value equal to or less than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000).
The Contracting Officer shall conduct simplified procurements in the manner that is most suitable, efficient, and economical based on the circumstances of each acquisition. As appropriate, the Contracting Officer may elect to use or adapt procedures that are part of the sealed bidding or competitive negotiation process.
On a simplified procurement, the Contracting Officer shall:
If a contract that has an estimated value of more the twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) is procured through the simplified contracting procedures, the Contracting Officer may obtain written quotes from potential suppliers.
The Contracting Officer may solicit quotations orally in appropriate cases when doing so is practical and economical. When soliciting quotations orally, the Contracting Officer shall instruct suppliers to respond in writing.
An oral solicitation shall provide a clear description of the Hospital's requirements (for example the type of goods or services sought, quantities, and schedule) and the basis on which the award will be made.
Written solicitations shall provide a complete statement of relevant information without being unnecessarily lengthy. A written solicitation should include the same information required in an oral solicitation, plus the following:
The basis for award may be price or cost alone or price/cost and other factors. Solicitations are not required to state the relative importance assigned to each evaluation factor.
The price/cost and other terms of the award shall be set forth in a written contract or purchase order. The Contracting Officer shall include a statement in the contract file briefly explaining the basis for the award decision.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 27, r. 27-4621