D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 27, r. 27-302
Unless filed electronically in accordance with Chapter 4, the protester shall file an original and two (2) paper copies of its protest, including all attachments, with the Board by hand delivery, mail, or commercial carrier within the time limitations established by law and set forth below in Subsection 302.2. The protester shall also serve a copy of the protest, including all attachments, on the contracting agency and shall furnish the Board with proof of service.
Time Limitations. Filing occurs when the protest is received on paper by the Board or electronically by the Board's designated electronic filing system in accordance with Chapter 4. The following paragraphs specify the time limitations associated with the filing of a protest.
A protest concerning a procurement conducted by an agency exempt from the Procurement Practices Reform Act, which has entered into an agreement with the Board under Subsection 101.8 to resolve protests, shall be filed with the Board within the time prescribed by the agency's regulations. If the agency has no regulations placing limits on the time for filing protests, these rules shall govern.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 27, r. 27-302