D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 25, r. 25-A3806
Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 25-A3806 - CONDITIONS OF LICENSE RETENTION - RESPONSIBILITIES OF LICENSEES OF RESIDENTIAL KITCHENS IN BED & BREAKFAST OPERATIONS3806.1Licensees of residential kitchens in bed & breakfast operations shall comply with § 700 and all applicable provisions of this Code, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Section 200, Responsibility - Assignment & Qualification of Person in Charge; P(b) Section 201, Knowledge - Person in Charge; P(c) Section 202, Duties - Person in Charge;(d) Section 203, Certification and District-Issued ID Requirements - Food Protection Manager, Person in Charge;(e) Section 3706, Department-issued Health Inspection Certificate, including any plans or standards approved or imposed as part of the issuance of the Health Inspection Certificate;(f) Chapter 3, Food Employee/Applicant Health;(g) Chapter 4, Personal Cleanliness of Food Employees;(h) Section 712, Specifications for Receiving - Ice; P(i) Section 807, Preventing Contamination from Ice Used as Exterior Coolant - Prohibited as an Ingredient;(j) Section 809, Preventing Contamination from Equipment and Utensils - Food Contact with Equipment and Utensils; P(k) Section 810, Preventing Contamination from Utensils - In-Use Utensils, Between-Use Storage;(l) Section 812, Preventing Contamination from Wiping Cloths - Use Limitation;(m) Section 816, Preventing Contamination from the Premises - Food Storage;(n) Section 817, Preventing Contamination from the Premises - Food Storage, Prohibited Areas;(o) Section 818, Preventing Contamination from the Premises - Vended Potentially Hazardous Food (Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food), Original Container;(p) Section 819, Preventing Contamination from the Premises - Food Preparation;(q) Section 821, Preventing Contamination by Consumers - Condiments, Protection;(r) Section 906, Reheating - For Hot Holding; P(s) Section 1005, Temperature and Time Control - Potentially Hazardous Food (Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food) Hot and Cold Holding; P(t) Section 1009, Time as a Public Health Control; P(u) Section 1536, Acceptability - Food Equipment, Certification and Classification;(v) Section 4402, Access to premises and records;(w) Sections 4302 through 4304, Application Procedure - Form of Submission, Qualifications and Responsibilities of Applicants, and Contents of the Application; and(x) Chapter 34, Operational Supplies and Applications of Poisonous or Toxic Materials.D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 25, r. 25-A3806
Final Rulemaking published at 50 DCR 4394 (June 6, 2003); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 59 DCR 13690 (November 30, 2012)Authority: Sections 4 and 10 of An Act Relating to the adulteration of foods and drugs in the District of Columbia, approved February 17, 1898 (30 Stat. 246; D.C. Official Code §§ 48-104 and 48-110 (2009 Repl.)); Section 7 of An Act Making Appropriations to provide for the expenses for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes (32 Stat.627; D.C. Official Code § 47-2834(a)(1), (a)(2), and (b) (2005 Repl.)); and Mayor's Order 98-139, dated August 20, 1998, and Mayor's Order 2002-103, dated June 18, 2002.