D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-730

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Applications for solid waste facility permits shall be completed and signed by the operator of the proposed or existing solid waste facility, and shall be submitted to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs on the form provided by the Department.


If a solid waste facility is owned by a person other than the operator, the owner shall also sign the application.


In order to be considered complete, an application for a solid waste facility permit must include the following information and documentation:

(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the solid waste facility;
(b) The name, address and telephone number of the operator of the solid waste facility, if the facility is to be operated by a person other than the owner;
(c) The name, address and telephone number of the registered agent of the operator of the solid waste facility, if the operator is a corporation or a limited partnership;
(d) The name under which the solid waste facility will operate;
(e) The location of the proposed or existing solid waste facility, including street address, zip code, ward, and lot and square numbers;
(f) A description of the type of solid waste and recyclable materials to be deposited at the solid waste facility and whether each type of waste will be processed, transferred or disposed;
(g) The maximum estimated quantity (measured in tons) of solid waste to be deposited at the solid waste facility on a daily and an annual basis;
(h) A description of the methods used to measure and record the tonnage of solid waste coming into and leaving the facility;
(i) The maximum estimated quantity (measured in tons) of solid waste to be removed from the solid waste facility on a daily and annual basis;
(j) A description of the methods to be used to determine and record the State or States (including the District of Columbia) where:
(1) Solid waste and recyclable material deposited at the solid waste facility were generated;
(2) Solid waste removed from the solid waste facility is deposited for final disposal; and
(3) Recyclable material removed from the solid waste facility is delivered for recycling or re-use;
(k) A description of the solid waste management and disposal practices to be used at the facility, including a description of any sorting, processing, separating, loading, unloading or other operations to be used in the disposal or partial disposal of solid waste at the solid waste facility;
(l) A description of each of the types of vehicles which will deposit solid waste at the facility or remove solid waste from the facility, including the gross weight rating of the largest sized vehicle which will be depositing or removing solid waste;
(m) A completed District of Columbia Government Environmental Impact Screening Form;
(n) A copy of engineering plans and specifications for the proposed or existing solid waste facility which are signed by and bear the seal of a professional engineer licensed in the District of Columbia. The submitted plans and specifications shall include the following:
(1) A site plan designating the property boundaries and showing all existing and proposed structures, roads and parking areas;
(2) Drawings of buildings and other structures located on the site upon which the solid waste facility is situated, showing the type of construction, and the layout and dimensions for the unloading, storage and processing areas;
(3) Drawings showing the location and dimension of major equipment and facilities within each structure;
(o) [Reserved]
(p) A description of the methods which will be used to prevent, monitor, and control the presence of rodents and other disease vectors as well as vermin;
(q) A description of the fire prevention measures and equipment to be used by the facility to comply with the applicable provisions of the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code/1990 and the D.C. Fire Prevention Code Supplement of 1992. The description shall be accompanied by the engineering plans, drawings and specifications of the facility's fire prevention and fire alarm systems;
(r) A description of the methods to be used to control odor, dust, smoke and other air pollutants and noise. The description shall be accompanied by the engineering plans, drawings and specifications of the facility's as follows:
(1) Ventilation system;
(2) Odor, smoke and air pollution abatement system; and
(3) Dust control system;
(s) [Reserved]
(t) A written emergency operational plan which provides for temporary alternative waste handling systems if the waste handling equipment is inoperative, including procedures for the use of stand-by equipment and the diversion of solid waste to other facilities;
(u) An application for an Environmental Mitigation-Closure Performance Bond to be issued to the solid waste facility and running to the District of Columbia government in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) to become effective on the permit issuance date;
(v) A copy of the insurance policy or policies issued to the solid waste facility providing coverage for injuries to persons or their property resulting or arising from any act, omission or default of the owner or operator of the facility, or their employees or agents, in the operation of the solid waste facility, with a minimum coverage of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence;
(w) The DUNS numbers for the owner and operator of the solid waste facility;
(x) Certificates of good standing obtained from the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, if the owner and operator are corporations or limited partnerships;
(y) A certification from the Office of Tax and Revenue establishing that the owner and operator are registered as businesses in the District, and are not delinquent in the payment of any District taxes or fees;
(z) A certification from the Department of Public Works establishing that the owner and operator are not delinquent in the payment of any Department of Public Works fee, fine or surcharge;
(aa) The tax identification numbers issued by the federal government to the owner and operator;
(bb) Copies of all certificates of occupancy for the facility; and
(cc) Payment of the application fee of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) by certified check or money order made payable to the Treasurer of the District of Columbia.

Applicants and permit holders are under a continuing duty to supplement and update the information required by § 730.3 within ten (10) working days of any change. This additional information shall be forwarded to the Director in writing.


The making of a false statement on the application, or any attachment to the application, or in response to any question or request for information made by the Director, is punishable by the criminal penalties set forth in § 404(b) of the District of Columbia White Collar Crimes Act of 1982, effective December 1, 1982 (D.C. Law 4-164; D.C. Code § 22-2514(b) ).

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-730

Final Rulemaking published at 43 DCR 6816 (December 20, 1996)