D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-713

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Solid wastes generated outside the District shall not be delivered to any of the disposal facilities operated by the District unless prior arrangements for acceptance have been made with the Director.


Disposal within the District may only be at approved facilities.


The Mayor may require any licensee or other person desiring to use a District owned, operated, or contracted disposal area to use a disposal area of the Mayor's designation.


Open burning is prohibited by the Air Quality Control and Fuel Burning Equipment regulations.


Construction and operation of incinerators shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Air Quality Control and Fuel Burning Equipment regulations of the District of Columbia.


[Repealed] D.C. Law 11-94, 42 DCR 7172, 7178, effective January 22, 1996.


All incinerators installed or which commence operation after the effective date of this section (August 28, 1971) shall be equipped with gas cleaning devices, if necessary to meet the following standards:

(a) Incinerators with a rated refuse burning capacity of two hundred or more pounds per hour (200 plus lbs./hr.), shall not emit more than one hundredth (0.01) grain of particulate matter per standard dry cubic foot of exhaust gas corrected to twelve percent (12%) carbon dioxide, without the contribution of auxiliary fuel;
(b) All other incinerators shall not emit more than three hundredths (0.03) grain of particulate matter per standard dry cubic foot of exhaust gas corrected to twelve percent (12%) carbon dioxide, without the contribution of auxiliary fuel.

[Repealed] D.C. Law 11-94, 42 DCR 7172, 7178, effective January 22, 1996.


[Repealed] D.C. Law 11-94, 42 DCR 7172, 7178, effective January 22, 1996.


[Repealed] D.C. Law 11-94, 42 DCR 7172, 7178, effective January 22, 1996.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-713

Regulation No. 71-21, approved June 29, 1971, 18 DCR 16 (July 12, 1971), 8 DCRR §§ 8 -3:607(a), (f)-(h) and (j), and § 8 -3:609(a); as amended by Regulation No. 72-15, approved July 28, 1972; and by § 15 of the Solid Waste Facility Permit Act of 1995, D.C. Law 11-94, 42 DCR 7172, 7178 (December 29, 1995), effective January 22, 1996