A site that undergoes a major land-disturbing activity shall employ each Best Management Practice (BMP) and land cover necessary to meet the requirements of this section until site redevelopment that follows a Department-approved Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) occurs.
A site that undergoes a major land-disturbing activity, except the area of a site that is in the existing Public Right of Way (PROW), shall maintain the following:
A site that undergoes a major land-disturbing activity shall achieve retention of the rainfall from a 1.2 inch rainfall event, which is the ninetieth (90th) percentile rainfall event for the District of Columbia, measured for a twenty-four (24)-hour rainfall event with a seventy-two (72)- hour antecedent dry period by:
SWRv=P × [(RvI × I) + (RvC × C) + (RvN × N)] × 7.48 /12
SWRv = volume, in gallons, required to be retained
P = 90th percentile rainfall event for the District (1.2 inches)
RvI = 0.95 (runoff coefficient for impervious cover)
RvC = 0.25 (runoff coefficient for compacted cover)
RvN = 0.00 (runoff coefficient for natural cover)
I = post-development site area in impervious cover
C = post-development site area in compacted cover
N = post-development site area in natural cover
where the surface area under a BMP shall be calculated as part of the impervious cover (I);
A site that undergoes a major land-disturbing activity may achieve the 1.2 inch SWRv on-site or through a combination of on-site retention and off-site retention, under the following conditions:
A site that undergoes a major land-disturbing activity may achieve on-site retention by retaining more than the 1.2 inch SWRv for an area of the site, subject to the following conditions:
A major land-disturbing activity may achieve on-site retention by directly conveying volume from the regulated site to a shared BMP with available retention capacity.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-520