Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 20-762 - SCREEN PRINTING762.1 Except as provided in § 762.2, any person who owns or operates screen printing equipment that emits or has the potential to emit, before controls, VOC emissions from all screen printing at the premises of: (a) Fifteen (15) pounds or more per day shall comply with the requirements of this section § 762.2 through § 762.12(a); and.(b) Less than fifteen (15) pounds per day shall comply with the requirements in § 762.7 through § 762.11 and § 762.12(b).762.2 If part or all of any printing operation involving VOC emissions is not specifically controlled by the requirements of this section, then the VOC-related emission operation or part of the operation shall be governed by the other requirements of this chapter.762.3 The VOC content of ink shall not exceed the limits in Table I after December 31, 2020: Ink Category | VOC Regulatory Limit As Applied* |
(Pounds per gallon) | (Grams per liter) |
Overprint varnish on any substrate | 6.03 | 723 |
Screen printing on any substrate other than untreated sign paper | 3.3 | 396 |
Screen printing on untreated sign paper | 5.6 | 671 |
Specialty inks: |
Acid/etch resist ink | 3.3 | 396 |
Anoprint ink | 3.1 | 372 |
Conductive ink | 8.0 | 960 |
Electroluminescent ink | 8.0 | 960 |
*VOC regulatory limit as applied = Weight of VOC per volume of coating (prepared to manufacturer's recommended maximum VOC content, minus water and non-VOC solvents)
762.4 As an alternative to § 762.3, compliance with the requirements of § 762 may be met if a control device is installed and operated pursuant to § 107 of this title that reduces emissions from the screen printing dryer by not less than ninety (90) percent overall.762.5 The VOC content of any screen reclamation and ink or haze removal product shall not exceed the limits in Table II after December 31, 2020: Category | VOC Regulatory Limit As Applied* |
(Pounds per gallon) | (Grams per liter) |
Haze Removal | 4.0 | 480 |
Ink Removal | 3.3 | 390 |
Screen Reclamation | 1.0 | 120 |
*VOC regulatory limit as applied = Weight of VOC per volume (prepared to manufacturer's recommended maximum VOC content)
762.6 For § 762.3 and § 762.5: (a) The VOC content is by weight and applies to the inks covered by § 762.3, excluding water and non-VOC solvents, and solutions covered by § 762.5, including water and non-VOC solvents, used in the printing unit; and(b) The VOC and percentage water content shall be determined using: (1) USEPA Method 24, "Determination of Volatile Matter Content, Water Content, Density, Volume Solids, and Weight Solids of Surface," as updated; or(2) Alternative methods for determining compliance if approved by the Department.762.7 Ink usage in connection with all forms of screen printing shall be minimized to the extent feasible by routing the flat screens, inking cylinders, or use of other techniques.762.8 All containers holding or conveying VOC-containing materials shall be open only when necessary and openings shall be restricted to the extent feasible.762.9 The leaking of any solvent or solvent-containing materials from any printing unit or associated equipment shall be prohibited.762.10 The storage or disposal of any solvent or solvent-containing material, including waste material, in a manner that will cause or allow its evaporation into the atmosphere shall be prohibited.762.11 To the greatest extent feasible, persons operating printing units and associated equipment shall minimize their use of VOC-containing materials by restricting wasteful usage and by replacing the material with emulsions or other materials.762.12 Any person, owner, or operator that is: (a) Subject to § 762.1(a) shall keep records as may be necessary to determine emissions and compliance with the applicable limitation or control requirement as follows: (1) The records shall document the total monthly consumption of inks, coatings, cleanup materials, and any other materials containing VOC used in conjunction with screen printing;(2) The records shall document the VOC content of each ink, coating, cleanup material, or any other material containing VOC that is used at the premises; and(3) The records shall be retained at least three (3) years from when they were originated and shall be made available to the Department on request; or(b) Subject to § 762.1(b) shall maintain records that clearly demonstrate to the Department that the facility's potential and actual emissions are below fifteen (15) pounds per day of VOCs.D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-762
Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 11286, 11372 (December 30, 2011); Final Rulemaking published at 69 DCR 2751 (4/1/2022) Authority: The Director of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE or Department), pursuant to the authority set forth in sections 5 and 6(b) of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, as amended, effective March 15, 1985 (D.C. Law 5-165 (DCAPC); D.C. Official Code §§ 8-101.05 and 8-101.06(b) (2008 Repl.)), section 107(4) of the District Department of the Environment Establishment Act of 2005, effective February 15, 2006 (D.C. Law 16-51; D.C. Official Code § 8-151.07(4) (2008 Repl.)), Mayor's Order 98-44, dated April 10, 1998, and Mayor's Order 2006-61, dated June 14, 2006.