715.1Calculation of source emissions of VOCs to determine applicability of a regulation of this section shall be based on the following:
(a) The theoretical potential to emit (design capacity or maximum production and maximum potential operating hours) before add-on controls; and(b) The sum of all emissions from individual emission sources within the same control techniques guideline (CTG) category, except for petroleum/gasoline marketing, in which emissions from storage tanks, terminals, and loading racks within the same plant or site shall be summed.715.2Major Source and Case-by-Case Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) shall be applied if the theoretical potential plant-wide emissions are, or have ever been, greater than or equal to twenty-five tons per year (25 tpy).
715.3For sources for which there is no control technique guideline (CTG), the requirements of this section shall apply in addition to the following:
(a) Theoretical potential emissions from all processes within a plant shall be summed to determine applicability of RACT;(b) RACT shall be evaluated for all processes in the plant if theoretical potential emissions as determined by this section are greater than or equal to twenty-five tons per year (25 tpy); and(c) RACT is not applicable if physical or operational limitations on the capacity of the source to emit are federally enforceable.715.4Any person to which § 715.1 through 715.3 applies shall propose RACT based on a source-specific RACT analysis, in accordance with § 715.5 through 715.7.
715.5To propose source-specific RACT, any person shall:
(a) Notify the Department of their request for a source-specific RACT determination with the application for a permit;(b) Provide associated monitoring, testing, certification, recordkeeping, and reporting procedures in accordance with 20 DCMR chapter 5;(c) Provide a schedule for achieving compliance with the proposed RACT as expeditiously as practicable; and(d) Submit the proposed RACT to the Department for approval.715.6Any person who prepares and submits a source-specific RACT analysis shall include and provide the Department:
(a) A ranking of the available control options for the affected source in descending order of control effectiveness; (b) An evaluation of the technical feasibility of the available control options identified in § 715.6(a) based on physical, chemical, and engineering principles, where a determination of technical infeasibility shall identify technical difficulties which would preclude the successful use of the control option on the affected source;(c) A ranking list of the technically feasible control options in order of overall control effectiveness for VOC emissions that presents the array of control options and shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (1) The baseline emissions of VOCs before implementation of each control option;(2) The estimated emission reduction potential or the estimated control efficiency of each control option;(3) The estimated emissions after the application of each control option; and(4) The economic impacts of each control option, including both overall cost effectiveness and incremental cost effectiveness;(d) An evaluation of cost effectiveness of each control option consistent with the "OAQPS Control Cost Manual" (Sixth Edition), EPA/452/B-02-001, January 2002, and subsequent revisions, conducted in accordance with the following requirements:(1) The cost effectiveness shall be evaluated in terms of dollars per ton of VOC emissions reduction;(2) The cost effectiveness shall be calculated on average and incremental bases for each option, with average cost effectiveness calculated as the annualized cost of the control option divided by the baseline emissions rate minus the control option emission rate, as shown by the following formula: Average cost effectiveness ($/ton removed) = Control option total annualized cost ($/yr) / [Baseline emission rate - Control option rate (tons/yr)]
(3) For purposes of this paragraph, baseline emission rate represents the maximum emissions before the implementation of the control option, and the baseline emissions rate shall be established using either test results or approved emission factors and historic operating data;(4) For purposes of this paragraph, the incremental cost effectiveness calculation compares the costs and emission level of a control option to those of the next most stringent option, as shown by the following formula: Incremental Cost (dollars) per incremental ton removed = [Control option total annualized cost ($/yr) - Total annualized cost of next most stringent control option ($/yr)] / [Next most stringent control option emission rate (ton/yr) - control option emission rate (ton/yr)];
(e) A recommendation of a RACT emission limitation, equipment standard, or control technology for each affected emission source or unit; and(f) Additional information requested by the Department that is necessary for the evaluation of the RACT proposal.715.7The Department will:
(a) Approve, deny, or modify each RACT proposal and will approve each source-specific RACT determination; and(b) Incorporate each approved RACT determination in a permit and submit the RACT determination to the EPA for approval as a revision to the SIP.D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-715
Section 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act of 1984 National Ambient Air Quality Standards Attainment Amendment Act of 1993, D.C. Law 10-24, 40 DCR 5474, 5487 (July 30, 1993); as Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 3877 (April 16, 2004); as amended by Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 11286, 11295 (December 30, 2011)Section 715 is formerly entitled, "Reasonably Available Control Technology." The Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 11286 (December 30, 2011) repealed and replaced it with "Major Source and Case-by-Case Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)."Authority: The Director of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE or Department), pursuant to the authority set forth in sections 5 and 6(b) of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, as amended, effective March 15, 1985 (D.C. Law 5-165 (DCAPC); D.C. Official Code §§ 8-101.05 and 8-101.06(b) (2008 Repl.)), section 107(4) of the District Department of the Environment Establishment Act of 2005, effective February 15, 2006 (D.C. Law 16-51; D.C. Official Code § 8-151.07(4) (2008 Repl.)), Mayor's Order 98-44, dated April 10, 1998, and Mayor's Order 2006-61, dated June 14, 2006.