D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-2603
A manufacturer shall submit a written certificate to the Chief attesting that its cigarettes have been tested according to an approved method under § 2602 and has achieved the required performance standard for sale in the District. A cigarette certified under this subsection shall be recertified every 3 years.
A cigarette that is listed for certification under § 2603.1 that uses lowered permeability bands in the cigarette paper to achieve compliance with the performance standards in § 2602 shall have at least two (2) nominally identical bands on the paper surrounding the tobacco column. At least one complete band shall be located at least fifteen millimeters (15 mm.) from the lighting end of the cigarette. For cigarettes on which the bands are positioned by design, there shall be at least two (2) bands fully located at least fifteen millimeters (15 mm.) from the lighting end and ten millimeters (10 mm.) from the filter end of the tobacco column, or ten millimeters (10 mm.) from the labeled end of the tobacco column for non-filtered cigarettes.
A cigarette manufacturer shall submit a complete description of each cigarette being certified, including the:
Packaging for certified fire-standard-compliant-cigarettes shall be marked in eight (8) point type or larger to indicate that the cigarettes have been tested using the test method and meet the performance standard required by this chapter.
A manufacturer shall use only one (1) mark and the mark shall consist of:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-2603