D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-600
This chapter shall contain rules prescribing standards for inspection of all motor vehicles registered in the District, and the procedure under which approved and rejected vehicles shall be processed.
No person shall drive, move, or permit the operation or use of any vehicle which is mechanically unsafe, improperly equipped, or otherwise unfit to be operated.
Any police officer or other authorized agent of the District may inspect and test the lights, brakes, steering assembly, tires, equipment horn, emission control equipment, exhaust emissions, or other device required by this title at any time a vehicle is on the public streets or public space.
Any police officer or other authorized agent of the District may order the removal of an unsafe or improperly equipped vehicle from any or, if applicable, as set forth in §§ 601.4, 601.5 and 601.6, to one of the official District Inspection Stations for reinspection notwithstanding the fact that the vehicle displays an approved inspection sticker.
When notified by the Director, a registrant shall present his or her vehicle for mechanical inspection at a time and place designated by the Director.
The Director is authorized, in his or her discretion, to provide for inspection by District personnel at a location other than a District inspection station, of the vehicles in any fleet of five hundred (500) or more motor vehicles registered in the District in the name of one (1) owner, if the owner does the following:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-600