D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2434
Notwithstanding the notice requirements in §§ 6 and 10 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat 1204; D.C. Official Code §§ 2-505 and 2-509 (2016 Repl.)), the Director may at his or her discretion designate any residential block as a residential permit parking ("RPP") block, if residents on that block petition the Director for such designation, provided that:
percent (10%) of the motor vehicles parked on the block are not registered in that RPP zone.
When designating a block as part of the RPP program, the Director shall determine whether curb space abutting a place of worship, healthcare facility, school, park, or recreational facility on that block will be included in the RPP program. This determination shall be made based on the existing parking supply and the demand for parking for the place of worship, healthcare facility, school, park, or recreational facility, as well as the residential parking demand in adjacent blocks.
For the Director to consider designating any residential block as an RPP block, the petition referred to in § 2434.1 must be signed by at least one (1) adult resident of a majority of the households on that block.
The Director will accept petitions from residents on blocks that:
Apetition is not necessary, and the Director may at his or her discretion designate for residential permit parking, any block whereany one of the following criteria is met:
In cases where a petition represents less than a majority of the individual households on the block, but where circumstances suggest to the Director that a majority of the residents may support residential permit parking, the Director may, at his or her discretion, initiate a vote on whether or not the block shall be part of the RPP program.
For the vote referred to in § 2434.6, one ballot shall be distributed to each household on the block. A majority of those ballots returned to DDOT within fifteen (15) days of their date of distribution shall be regarded as indicating the will of the residents of the block as toresidential permit parking.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2434