D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2408
Whenever any District Agency authorized to prohibit or reserve parking on a temporary or emergency basis does so, a record shall be made by entering the information required in § 2407.21 into a record-keeping system that shall be created and maintained by the Department.
Whenever, the erection of signs, ropes, cables, or other barricades is required under the provisions of § 2407, the services of the members of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Environmental Regulation Administration may be employed for such purpose.
Whenever the Director is authorized to erect signs under certain emergency conditions in accordance with § 2407, the failure to comply with the requirement that such signs shall be erected "at least the length of time in advance that parking is normally legally permitted" shall not authorize the further parking of vehicles after the actual erection of such signs, except those vehicles which are authorized to park after the erection of signs.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2408