D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2406

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

The Director is authorized to have signs prohibiting parking, except for those vehicles indicated by such signs, placed where government parking areas have been provided.


The Director is authorized to have signs prohibiting parking placed on streets adjacent to any school on school days, or playgrounds between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., or for such lesser time as the Director may, in his or her discretion, establish.


The Director is authorized to have signs prohibiting parking placed in front of the entrance of any of the following:

(a) A government or public building;
(b) A theater, hospital, hotel, club, or church;
(c) An apartment building in which twenty-five (25) or more separate families are housed;
(d) A restaurant having facilities for two hundred fifty (250) or more people or where there is a marquee or covered walkway; or
(e) The principal entrance of the embassy or legation of any foreign country.

The Director is authorized to have signs prohibiting parking placed in front of the entrance of any office building having ten (10) or more offices, or the chancery of the embassy or legation of any foreign country between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.


The Director is authorized to have signs prohibiting parking placed for a distance not to exceed sixty feet (60 ft.) along the curb in front of or alongside of any building occupied by an embassy or legation of any foreign country, except for those vehicles bearing diplomatic motor vehicle identification tags.


The Director is authorized to erect signs indicating "NO PARKING" from the intersection of curb lines of intersecting streets to a point twenty-five feet (25 ft.) in advance of and on the approach to a vehicle detector for traffic signals or for vehicle counters located in the road.


The Director is authorized to erect signs indicating "NO PARKING" on any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed twenty feet (20 ft.) or on one side of any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed thirty feet (30 ft.).


When official signs prohibiting parking are erected on narrow streets as authorized in § 2406.7, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign.

(a) The Director is authorized to establish on-street metered parking spaces, within the Central Business District, as defined in Title 18, and the Ballpark Performance Parking Pilot Zone, as defined in D.C. Official Code § 50-2532, for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities using vehicles displaying valid disability license tags or valid disability permits issued by the District pursuant to Chapter 27 or issued by another jurisdiction meeting the requirements of § 2717.1.
(b) Parking meters associated with parking spaces established pursuant to this subsection shall:
(1) Meet the standards set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines of the United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (commonly referred to as the "United States Access Board"), and comply with any applicable regulations of the Department of Justice, regarding the:
(i) Demarcation of the parking space;
(ii) Accessible meter hardware and payment technology;
(iii) Infrastructure placement; and
(iv) Pedestrian access route; and
(2) Unless a more stringent standard is established by the United States Access Board or applicable regulations of the Department of Justice:
(i) Be located adjacent to or within one hundred (100) feet of a curb cut, access ramp, or driveway; and
(ii) Indicate by signage affixed to a sign post or a decal on the meter that the space is reserved for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities.
(3) Be reserved for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities at all times; provided, metered spaces shall only require payment during the hours posted on the meter.
(c) When and where feasible, one (1) parking space on each metered block, or at least four percent (4%) of the District's total metered parking spaces, shall be reserved for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities.
(d) The Director shall create and maintain a publicly accessible database showing the location and time restriction of each parking space set aside under this subsection.
(e) The Director may establish reasonable payment and time limits for parking in the spaces established pursuant to this subsection; provided, that any time restrictions established shall allow parking for twice the period of time, not to exceed four (4) hours, permitted at the nearest non-reserved, time-limited parking space.
(f) Before setting aside the parking spaces authorized by this subsection, the Director shall mail or email, or cause to be mailed or emailed, a notice to each person who holds a disability license tag or disability permit issued by the District pursuant to Chapter 27. The notice shall inform the person that new parking spaces will be set aside pursuant to this subsection and shall describe the rules that apply to parking in such spaces.
(a) The Director is authorized to establish on-street metered parking spaces, outside the Central Business District, for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities.
(b) On-street metered parking spaces established pursuant to this subsection shall be identified based on a process established by the Director in consultation with the Mayor's Office of Disability Rights after the launch of the program defined in Subsection 2406.9.
(c) The process by which on-street metered spaces are established for the exclusive use of people with disabilities outside the Central Business District shall include at a minimum:
(1) Entities that can request establishment of on-street metered parking spaces for the exclusive use of people with disabilities outside of the Central Business District;
(2) A process by which the Director will evaluate requests to establish on-street metered parking spaces, outside of the Central Business District, for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities;
(3) Criteria for evaluation of additional zones including but not limited to existing meter occupancy, existing disability placard use; and
(4) Process by which the Director will notify the public of the intent to establish on-street metered parking spaces, outside of the Central Business District, for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities.
(a) A vehicle parked in a space set aside pursuant to § 2406.9 shall be subject to the fine set forth in § 2601 if the vehicle:
(1) Does not display a valid disability license tag or valid disability permit described in § 2406.9;
(2) Was not either driven by a person to whom such a tag or permit was issued or a person to whom such a tag or permit was issued was not a passenger in the vehicle;
(3) Is engaged in vending;
(4) Is parked beyond the posted time limits on the meter;
(5) Fails to make payment at the meter or through pay-by-phone; or
(6) The amount of time paid for at the meter or through pay-by-phone has lapsed;
(b) A vehicle parked, stopped, or standing in a space set aside pursuant to § 2406.9 during a time when parking, stopping, or standing in the space is prohibited shall be subject to the applicable no parking, no stopping, or no standing fine set forth in § 2601, even if the vehicle displays a disability license tag or disability permit described in § 2406.9.
2406.12 The Director is authorized to establish reserved on-street parking spaces for the exclusive use of car-sharing vehicles provided:
(a) The Director may establish reserved on-street parking spaces for the exclusive use of car-sharing vehicles pursuant to public right-of-way occupancy permits issued pursuant to 24 DCMR § 3313.
(c) Unauthorized vehicles parked in such spaces shall be in violation of and subject to the fine set forth in § 2601; and
(d) The Director may authorize the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue special license plates pursuant to this subsection properly identifying reserved on-street car-sharing vehicles as such, in order to aid in the enforcement of § 2406.12(c).

The Director may establish the parking spaces authorized by §§ 2406.12 and 2406.14 without first publishing the notice provided for in section 6 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 1-1506) , but shall consult with affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and provide affected ANCs with thirty (30) days written notice of the intent to establish such spaces.

2406.14 Repealed
2406.15 Repealed
2406.16 Repealed
2406.17 Repealed

The Director is authorized to establish a point-to-point car-sharing management program allowing point-to-point car-sharing vehicles to be parked in any residential permit parking zone and at parking meters without payment at the time of parking, provided:

(a) Parking in residential permit parking zones and at parking meters pursuant to this section shall be permitted only for vehicles registered to and operated by any point-to-point car-sharing company in the District that enters into a one (1)-year contract with the District that shall include, but not be limited to, the following provisions:
(1) The company must indemnify the District against legal liabilities associated with the use of public space with point-to-point car-sharing operations;
(2) All company point-to-point car-sharing vehicles parked in the District, regardless of whether they are located on private or public space, must be registered in the District of Columbia and display District license plates; and
(3) At least seven (7) point-to-point car-sharing vehicles must be located in low-income neighborhoods as identified by DDOT even if such locations are not desired or requested by the company;
(b) In addition to the general provisions listed in § 2428.2, the Department may charge for the point-to-point car-sharing program a fee for the use of residential permit parking zones and metered parking spaces should it determine that doing so is in the public interest;
(c) Notwithstanding § 2404.8 of this chapter, the Director may permit a car-sharing vehicle registered in the point-to-point car-sharing program to park in a metered parking zone without payment at the time of parking; provided that the vehicle displays an annual permit purchased by the company for all of its registered point-to-point car-sharing vehicles;
(d) Notwithstanding § 2404.3 of this chapter, the Director may permit a car-sharing vehicle registered in the point-to-point car-sharing program to park in a metered parking zone past the maximum amount of time for that metered zone provided that the vehicle displays an annual permit purchased by the company for all of its registered point-to-point car-sharing vehicles;
(e) Car-sharing vehicles registered in the point-to-point car-sharing program may not be parked at times and locations in the District when and where parking is prohibited, including but not limited to, a.m. and p.m. rush hour restricted streets and snow emergency routes;
(f) Notwithstanding § 2413.13 of this chapter, a point-to-point car-sharing vehicle registered in the point-to-point car-sharing program may park in a residential permit parking zone, provided it displays a valid annual permit described in paragraph (g) of this subsection;
(g) The annual permit for a point-to-point car-sharing vehicle shall be a non-transferable sticker issued by the Director and it shall be affixed by its own adhesive to the lower left (driver's) side of the windshield so that its contents are clearly visible through the windshield of the vehicle;
(h) A point-to-point car-sharing vehicle located in the District, regardless of whether they are parked on private or public spaces, must be registered in the District of Columbia and display District license plates;
(i) The point-to-point car-sharing company must maintain at least fifty (50) vehicles in its fleet and must maintain one percent (1%) of its fleet in each Ward of the city at any point in time and must maintain an area of operation that includes the entire District of Columbia, excluding National Park Service land. To account for time required to move cars, car-sharing companies shall be allowed a maximum of two (2) hours with zero (0) vehicles in a Ward;
(j) DDOT reserves the right to terminate the agreement at any time;
(k) If the one (1)-year permit expires and the District of Columbia does not re-sign or reissue it, or if DDOT terminates the agreement, no vehicles registered to the point-to-point car-sharing company may be parked in any residential permit parking zone past the time allowed for vehicles without a residential permit parking sticker or be parked at a meter without paying the applicable fee; and
(l) The point-to-point car-sharing company shall provide DDOT with data on a quarterly basis to help evaluate the impact of the program. DDOT shall provide the point-to-point car-sharing company with the specific performance measures and the dates that information shall be provided to DDOT. The performance measures may include:
(1) D.C. Membership and rate-of-growth;
(2) Geographical distribution of membership in a format that DDOT determines;
(3) Utilization per vehicle per month for each vehicle;
(4) Annual membership survey including questions regarding:
(A) The number of cars owned by the members prior to membership;
(B) The number of cars owned by the member at the time of the survey;
(C) If the purchase of a vehicle planned prior to membership was subsequently abandoned due to membership;
(D) If miles regularly traveled by the member increased, declined or remained the same after membership;
(E) Whether walking, biking and transit trips by the member increased, declined or remained the same after membership; and
(F) How trips would have been taken if a car-sharing vehicle were not available

The Director of the District Department of Transportation shall coordinate with the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department ("FEMS") to ensure adequate parking at District firehouses and fire stations.


If a firehouse or fire station does not have adequate on-site parking to accommodate the personnel of one on-duty platoon, the Director of the District Department of Transportation may reserve parking within a distance not to exceed sixty feet (60 ft.) along the curb in front of, behind, or alongside of any building occupied by a firehouse or fire station for vehicles bearing special permits for FEMS personnel; provided, that the Director of the District Department of Transportation shall only reserve parking pursuant to this subsection to the extent necessary to accommodate parking at each firehouse or fire station for the personnel of one on-duty platoon.


The Director is authorized to establish reserved on-street parking spaces for the exclusive use of charging electric vehicles ("electric vehicle charging spaces") and to reserve space on the sidewalk and street for electric vehicle charging stations and associated equipment, through the issuance in accordance with 24 DCMR 226 of a Public Space Occupancy Permit to a charging station vendor.


An electric vehicle charging space established pursuant to § 2406.21 shall not:

(a) Extend more than twenty (20) feet in length;
(b) Be located where parking is currently prohibited including blocks with rush hour and snow emergency restrictions; or
(c) Be located at a metered space reserved for individuals with disabilities, unless the metered space is relocated at the cost of the applicant and approved by DDOT.

For every two (2) charging stations installed in the Central Business District by a charging station vendor, seven (7) charging stations, each serving at least two (2) spaces, must be installed outside the Central Business District by the charging station vendor until the charging station vendor has installed one (1) electric vehicle charging station, serving at least two (2) spaces, in each ward.


A vendor's permit application for its fifteenth (15th) or later charging station shall not be approved unless the vendor has installed and maintains one (1) electric vehicle charging station, serving at least two (2) spaces, in each ward.


An electric vehicle charging station shall:

(a) Be located outside of a tree box;
(b) Be located ten (10) feet or more from a fire hydrant;
(c) Be located twenty-five (25) feet or more from a marked or unmarked intersection;
(d) Be located so that it does not protrude into a roadway or a bike lane;
(e) Be so located as to ensure compliance with the minimum pedestrian clearance widths as set forth in the District Department of Transportation Design and Engineering Manual; and
(f) Display the contact information of the vendor to report any issues.

Electric vehicle supply equipment placed on a sidewalk that supplies an on-street electric vehicle charging station shall not interfere with the minimum pedestrian clearance widths as set forth in the District Department of Transportation Design and Engineering Manual;


Cords, cables, and connector equipment of a charging station shall not be placed in such a manner as to extend across the path of travel within the sidewalk or walkway whether or not in use by an electric vehicle.


The following rules shall apply to the use by the public of electric vehicle parking spaces and charging stations and violation of this subsection shall be subject to the fines set forth in 18 DCMR §2601:

(a) Parking in electric vehicle charging spaces is permitted only for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids and only in accordance with the guidelines provided on the charging station.
(b) An electric vehicle may park in an electric vehicle charging space only while the vehicle is plugged in to the charging station.
(c) An electric vehicle may park in an electric vehicle charging space for no more than a total of four (4) hours between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on any calendar day.
(d) A vehicle occupying an electric vehicle charging space shall pay any applicable charging fee required by the charging station vendor.
(e) In addition to all other applicable fees, a person parking a vehicle an electric vehicle charging space shall be assessed a one dollar ($1.00) per hour fee for the use of public space while charging the vehicle and ten dollars ($10.00) per hour while not charging between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on any calendar day.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2406

Final Rulemaking published at 52 DCR 4744 (May 20, 2005); and as amended by D.C. Act 16-453 published at 53 DCR 6499 (August 11, 2006); as amended by Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 5338 (June 24, 2011); as amended by Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 10635, 10636 (December 16, 2011); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 60 DCR 11236 (August 2, 2013); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 63 DCR 11887 (9/30/2016); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 66 DCR 10584 (8/16/2019); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 4555 (4/24/2020); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 69 DCR 3134 (4/8/2022)
Authority: Sections 3(b), 5(4)(A), 6(b), and 7 of the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 2002, effective May 21, 2002 (D.C. Law 14-137; D.C. Official Code §§ 50-921.02(b), 50-921.04(4)(A), 50-921.05(b), and 50-921.06 (2009 Repl. & 2012 Supp.)), Section 604 of the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Support Act of 1996, effective April 9, 1996 (D.C. Law 11-198, D.C. Official Code§ 10-1141.04) ((2012 Supp.)), and Mayor's Order 96-175, dated December 9, 1996.