D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-8705
An individual who submits an initial application to qualify for certification under this chapter as an addiction counselor I or addiction counselor II, shall receive a passing score on an examination developed by the Board on laws, rules, and ethical standards pertaining to the practice of addiction counseling (the District jurisprudence examination).
In addition to applicants identified in § 8704.1, the following applicants shall take and pass the District examination prior to issuance of a license if the examination has not been previously been taken:
The Board shall administer the District jurisprudence examination at least three (3) times a year.
If an applicant fails the District jurisprudence examination three (3) times, the applicant shall not be eligible to take the examination again until he or she has taken a Board-approved refresher course.
The District examination may consist of questions on the following:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-8705