D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-2120

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Certification of a security officer shall be subject to denial, suspension, or revocation for any of the following reasons:

(a) Material misstatement in the license application;
(b) Violation of requirements pertaining to identifications cards, uniforms, badges, advertising, and displays as set forth in §§ 2110, 2111, 2112, and 2113;
(c) Failure or refusal to comply with any statute or regulation governing security officers, or the willful and fraudulent circumvention of any statute or regulation;
(d) Conviction of a felony while employed as a security officer; provided, that denial, suspension, or revocation for this reason shall not prevent a person from reapplying for certification;
(e) Conviction for a misdemeanor involving theft, fraudulent conduct, assault, or false arrest or imprisonment;
(f) Conviction of any offense arising out of or based on employment as a security officer which involved a breach of trust or an invasion of privacy; or
(g) Carrying a deadly weapon, handcuffs, or an aerosol chemical dispenser in the course of employment. This does not prohibit the carrying of a night stick constructed solely of wood.

Whenever the Mayor proposes to deny, suspend, or revoke a certification under this chapter, notice shall be given to the applicant or security officer.


Each notice issued under § 2120.2 shall be in writing and shall be signed by the Mayor.


Each notice shall state or contain the following:

(a) The facts constituting each violation or other basis for the action proposed;
(b) Where applicable, each statutory provision or regulation violated or not complied with;
(c) The nature of the adverse action proposed in the matter;
(d) A statement advising the applicant or security officer that he or she is entitled to a full hearing, if requested, in which the Mayor's action may be reversed; and
(e) Information about the time and manner in which an appeal must be filed.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-2120

§§ 5.1, 5.2(a), and 5.2(b) of the Regulation Establishing Standards for Certification and Employment for Security Officers, Reg. No. 74.31, approved December 1, 1974, 21 DCR 1203 (December 13, 1974); as amended by D.C. ACT 16-465 published at 53 DCR 6726 (August 18, 2006)