D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-11209
A veterinary technician shall adhere to and uphold the Veterinary Technician's Oath as adopted by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA).
A veterinary technician shall provide competent and timely delivery of veterinary care.
A veterinary technician shall know his or her own limitations, shall not accept or perform professional responsibilities which the veterinary technician knows or has reason to know that he or she is not competent to perform, and shall seek intervention by a veterinarian whenever it would be in the patient's best interest.
A veterinary technician shall keep his or her knowledge of veterinary medicine and skills current while he or she is engaging in clinical practice as a veterinary technician.
A veterinary technician shall not act or fail to act in a manner that may cause a reasonable person to understand or believe that the veterinary technician is a veterinarian or can practice veterinary medicine independently.
A veterinary technician shall not abandon or neglect a patient under his or her care and in need of immediate professional care, without making reasonable recommendations for the continuation of such care as within the scope of his or her lawful practice or seeking the attention of a veterinarian as appropriate.
A veterinary technician shall respect the client's right to the treatment decision and treat the patient according to the client's desires within the bounds of accepted treatments.
A veterinary technician shall assist the veterinarian in maintaining a complete and accurate record of each patient by ensuring that the record accurately reflects the veterinary technician's actions.
A veterinary technician shall protect the confidentiality of patient records and maintain patient records in a manner consistent with the protection of the welfare of the patient and the client, and all applicable District of Columbia and federal laws.
A veterinary technician shall make every effort to refrain from harming the patient.
A veterinary technician shall not willfully harass, abuse, or intimidate a patient or client either physically or verbally.
When informing the client of the status of the patient's health, a veterinary technician shall make comments that are truthful, informed, and justifiable.
A veterinary technician shall not represent the care being rendered, or that is needed, to a client in a false or misleading manner.
A veterinary technician shall not practice veterinary medicine while under the influence of controlled substances, alcohol, or any other chemical agents, which impair the ability to practice.
A veterinary technician with first-hand knowledge that a colleague is practicing veterinary medicine when under the influence of controlled substances, alcohol, or any other chemical agents that impair the ability to practice shall report such knowledge to the Board.
A veterinary technician who contracts any disease, has a mental or physical impairment which affects his or her ability to safely practice, or becomes impaired in any way that might endanger patients or veterinary staff shall, with consultation and advice from a qualified physician or other authority, limit the activities of his or her practice to those areas that do not endanger patients or veterinary staff.
A veterinary technician shall not engage in interpersonal relationships with clients that could impair his or her professional judgment or risk the possibility of exploiting the confidence placed in him or her by a client.
A veterinary technician shall become familiar with the signs of abuse and neglect and report suspected cases of animal abuse to the proper authorities consistent with District of Columbia laws.
A veterinary technician shall not recommend or perform unnecessary veterinary services or procedures.
A veterinary technician shall not induce a client to purchase products or schedule procedures by misrepresenting the product's value, the necessity of the procedure, or the veterinary technician's own professional expertise in recommending the product or procedure.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-11209