D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-11200
This chapter applies to persons authorized to practice as veterinary technicians and persons applying for or holding a certificate to practice as veterinary technicians.
Chapters 28 (Veterinarians), 40 (Health Occupations: General Rules), and 41 (Health Occupations: Administrative Procedures) of this title shall supplement this chapter.
No persons may practice as a veterinary technician unless duly certified or authorized in accordance with this chapter.
A veterinary technician certified under this chapter may refer to him- or herself or be referred to as a "veterinary nurse."
Unless duly certified under this chapter, no person shall use or imply the use of the words or terms "veterinary technician", "V.T.", "L.V.T.", "certified veterinary technician", "CVT", "animal technician," "veterinary nurse", "animal nurse", or any similar title or description of services with the intent to represent that the person practices as a veterinary technician.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-11200