D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-330
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 329, the interval for the first installment payment may be longer than the other intervals but shall not exceed ninety (90) days, except as may be permitted by § 330.4.
If the governmental charges are not paid directly by the purchaser, any instrument of security may provide that there be one (1) or more special payments in addition to and payable in advance of the regular equal payments; Provided, that the total amount of that special payment or payments shall not exceed the governmental charges.
The final installment payment may be less in amount than the preceding installment payments.
If a buyer's livelihood is dependent upon seasonal or intermittent income, one (1) or more of the regular installment payments in the schedule of payments included in any instrument of security may be reduced or postponed.
Instruments of security and refinancing contracts may provide that the holder shall be entitled to collect on each installment in default for a period of more than ten (10) days one of the following:
Instruments of security or refinancing contracts may provide for the following in instances of delinquency:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-330