D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-306
When a licensed salesperson terminates his or her employment with one dealer and becomes employed by another or when a licensed salesperson takes employment with a new dealer for whom he or she has not previously been registered, that salesperson shall, within five (5) calendar days from commencement of the new employment, apply to the Director for a transfer of his or her license.
The Director shall, if the requirements of § 303.3 have been complied with, transfer the salesperson's license. The fee for transfer of a salesperson's license shall be three dollars ($ 3).
A licensed salesperson shall, within five (5) calendar days after termination of employment as a salesperson, surrender to the Director the license issued to him or her.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-306