D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-301
No person shall engage in business as a dealer, a salesperson, an automobile repossessor, or a sales finance company unless that person holds a proper license issued to him or her pursuant to this chapter.
For a period no longer than one (1) month after application for a license, an applicant for a salesperson's or automobile repossessor's license may engage in the occupation for which a license is being sought; Provided, that all of the following conditions are met:
No licensed dealer, salesperson, automobile repossessor, or sales finance company shall hold himself, herself, or itself out or engage in business as a licensed dealer, salesperson, automobile repossessor, or sales finance company under any name other than the name appearing on his, her, or its license.
Any licensed sales finance company which engages in any activity of a dealer shall be deemed to be a dealer and subject to all of the provisions of this chapter relating to dealers.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-301