D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-4213
Seventy percent (70%) or more of the tenants of a housing accommodation, not including tenants of units exempt from the Rent Stabilization Program for any reason under § 4106, may enter into a voluntary agreement with the housing provider that, subject to the administrative approval, may:
A housing provider, a tenant, or a tenant association shall initiate an application for administrative approval of a voluntary agreement by filing a proposed voluntary agreement with the Rent Administrator ("Proposed Voluntary Agreement"), using a form published by the Rent Administrator and attaching any additional information required by § 4213.3. The form published by the Rent Administrator shall include a list of sources of technical assistance and resource support for housing providers and tenants.
A Proposed Voluntary Agreement, when filed with the Rent Administrator and served in accordance with §§ 4213.4, shall include:
Prior to or simultaneously with the filing of a Proposed Voluntary Agreement with the Rent Administrator, the party initiating an application shall:
Within five (5) business days of the receipt of a Proposed Voluntary Agreement, the Rent Administrator shall make a preliminary determination that the application complies with the filing requirements of § 4213.3 and the service requirements of § 4213.4 and, if so, mail notice to the tenant of each affected rental unit, and the housing provider, if the initiating party is not the housing provider, in accordance with § 4213.8.
If the Rent Administrator determines that an application for approval of a voluntary agreement was not initiated in compliance with the filing requirements of § 4213.3, the Rent Administrator, in his or her discretion, shall either:
If the Rent Administrator determines that an initiating party has not complied with the service requirements of § 4213.4, the Rent Administrator, in his or her discretion, shall either:
After the proper filing of a Proposed Voluntary Agreement, the Rent Administrator shall issue a brief notice of the following in accordance with § 4213.5:
The housing provider and each tenant shall have a minimum of thirty (30) days from the date a Proposed Voluntary Agreement is filed and properly served to consider the agreement and confer with other parties ("Cooling-off Period") before any revised terms may be filed with the Rent Administrator; provided, that this time may be extended, within the discretion of the Rent Administrator, if time is needed to receive or review applications for exemptions for elderly tenants or tenants with a disability in accordance with § 4215.19, or if the Rent Administrator determines that such time is appropriate for further negotiations. Housing providers and tenants are encouraged to enter into face-to-face negotiations to discuss the terms of a voluntary agreement during this time.
If the housing provider and tenants seek to negotiate changes to a Proposed Voluntary Agreement and are desirous of achieving a successful agreement, the housing provider or any tenant may seek the confidential assistance of the Conciliation Service of the Rental Accommodations Division, as established under § 503 of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 42-3505.03) and § 3913 of this title.
The Rent Administrator, in his or her discretion, and upon his or her own initiative or upon the request of a party, may call for a meeting to discuss the terms of a Proposed Voluntary Agreement, including but not limited to the criteria for approval or disapproval of a voluntary agreement, so long as the Rent Administrator determines that the meeting should not be conducted as a mediation or conciliation pursuant to § 4213.10.
After the expiration of the Cooling-off Period, the initiating party may begin collecting signatures of tenants to approve or reject the Proposed Voluntary Agreement, including any modifications made during the Cooling-off Period. If the version circulated for signatures is different from the initial Proposed Voluntary Agreement, the initiating party shall also file a copy of the modified Proposed Voluntary Agreement with the Rent Administrator including all information required by § 4213.3, other than paragraph (h). No tenant shall be requested to sign a modified Proposed Voluntary Agreement without being notified in writing that modifications have been made since the original filing and being given an opportunity to review the entire agreement. All signatures given to approve or reject the Proposed Voluntary Agreement shall be in ink; electronic signatures shall not be valid.
A signature given to approve a Proposed Voluntary Agreement shall be valid only if it is given subsequent to and no more than sixty (60) days after the end of the Cooling-off Period ("Signature Collection Period"). Before the end of the Signature Collection Period, the initiating party may request, no more than once, that the Rent Administrator extend the time, by no more than thirty (30) days, for good cause shown.
Agents or employees of the housing provider, or any person with a direct or indirect interest in the housing accommodation, as defined in §§ 4107.8-4107.12, residing in the housing accommodation shall not be eligible to sign a voluntary agreement and shall not be considered in either the numerator or denominator for calculating whether seventy percent (70%) of the tenants approve of the Proposed Voluntary Agreement.
No more than three (3) business days after the end of the Signature Collection Period, the initiating party shall file with the Rent Administrator a copy of the Proposed Voluntary Agreement accompanied by all signatures that have been obtained ("Final Voluntary Agreement").
A Final Voluntary Agreement, when filed with the Rent Administrator, shall include:
After the filing of a Final Voluntary Agreement, the Rent Administrator shall dismiss, with or without prejudice, without a hearing, any application for approval of a voluntary agreement that has not complied with the requirements of §§ 4213.2-4213.16.
Pursuant to § 215(c) of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 42-3502.15(c)) , if a Final Voluntary Agreement is filed with the Rent Administrator that is not denied under § 4213.17, and the only terms of the agreement are to adjust the rent for each rental unit within a housing accommodation by the same, specified percentage, notwithstanding any exemption provided by § 224(i) of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 42-3502.24(i)) , the Rent Administrator shall issue a final order approving the voluntary agreement and serve the order upon the housing provider and each affected tenant. If the Final Voluntary Agreement contains terms to any other effect, the Rent Administrator shall serve notice on each tenant and the housing provider that the Final Voluntary Agreement has been filed and giving notice of the opportunity to file exceptions and objections in accordance with § 4213.19.
Within thirty (30) days of the service of notice of the filing of a Final Voluntary Agreement, the housing provider and any tenant of the affected housing accommodation may file with the Rent Administrator a clear and concise statement of exceptions and objections to the approval of the application.
Exceptions and objections filed pursuant to § 4213.19 may contest whether the application should be approved or denied based on the following issues:
An application under this section shall be denied if:
For the purposes of § 4213.21(c), the reasonableness of any proposed rent adjustments for a rental unit in a Final Voluntary Agreement shall be determined in consideration of the following factors, as may be relevant:
For the purposes of § 4213.22(i), reduced rent adjustments for rental units occupied by elderly tenants and tenants with disabilities, whether or not the tenants qualify for an exemption pursuant to § 224(i) of the Act (D.C. Official Code § 42-3502.24(i)) and § 4215.2 of this chapter or have previously filed an application to register for protected status under § 4215, shall not be deemed inequitable or unjustified disparities in rent adjustments.
If no exceptions and objections to a Final Voluntary Agreement are filed within thirty (30) days in accordance with § 4213.19, the Rent Administrator, within five (5) business days of the expiration of that time, shall issue a final order approving the application and serve the final order upon the housing provider and each affected tenant in the housing accommodation.
If exceptions and objections to a Final Voluntary Agreement are filed within thirty (30) days in accordance with § 4213.19, the Rent Administrator, within fifteen (15) days of the expiration of that time, shall transfer the record of the voluntary agreement application to the Office of Administrative Hearings for a hearing and decision on each issue raised in the exceptions and objections.
A hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings on a contested voluntary agreement application, shall be conducted in accordance with 1 DCMR Chapter 28 and 1 DCMR §§ 2920-2941, and the initiating party shall have the burden of proving its entitlement to approval of the application with regard to each contested issue.
No voluntary agreement shall be deemed approved or disapproved at any time prior to the issuance of a final order by the Rent Administrator or, if a hearing on the application is held, by the Office of Administrative Hearings.
If a voluntary agreement is approved by the Rent Administrator or the Office of Administrative Hearings, the final order approving the application shall be binding on the housing provider and all rental units in the housing accommodation and shall state:
A final order of the Rent Administrator or the Office of Administrative Hearings approving or denying an application under this section may, within ten (10) business days of its issuance, be appealed to the Commission in accordance with § 3802 by any party to the case that is aggrieved by the final order. In accordance with § 3805, a housing provider shall not implement a rent adjustment authorized by a final order while an appeal of that order is pending before the Commission.
A rent adjustment authorized by a final order approving an application under this section shall be implemented for an affected rental unit in accordance with § 4205 within twelve (12) months of the date of the order, including the exhaustion of any rights of appeal, but no earlier than twelve (12) months following any prior rent increase for that rental unit; provided, that any changes in related services or facilities shall be implemented prior to the rent increase and the rent increase shall not be deemed first-authorized until all changes are implemented, and that if the work to make any capital improvement renders the unit uninhabitable beyond the expiration of time, the rent surcharge may be implemented when the unit is reoccupied. Failure to implement the adjustment within twelve (12) months will result in forfeiture of the authorization in accordance with § 4204.9(e).
If a Final Voluntary Agreement contains any terms to alter the provision or levels of related services or facilities at a housing accommodation, within thirty (30) days following the date an order approving the voluntary agreement application becomes final, the housing provider shall file an amendment to the Registration/Claim of Exemption Form in accordance with § 4103.1(c).
A tenant of an affected rental unit who receives notice of an application filed under this section and who fails to contest the application shall not at a later date contest or challenge, by tenant petition under § 4214, an order of the Rent Administrator or the Office of Administrative Hearings approving the voluntary agreement, except as provided in § 4214.6; provided, that the tenant may challenge the implementation of a rent adjustment under § 4214.4.
If a housing provider fails to comply with any term of an approved voluntary agreement, a tenant or tenant association may file a tenant petition challenging the rent adjustment implemented or provision or levels of related service or facility pursuant to the voluntary agreement, in accordance with § 4214.6(f).
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-4213