D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-2913
Each homesteader at the time of property settlement shall enter into an abatement agreement with the District which shall include, but not be limited to, the requirements of this section.
Each homesteader shall agree to maintain the property as his or her principal dwelling place and residence for a period commencing with the date of property settlement and ending on the fifth (5th) anniversary of the settlement date.
If the property cannot be lawfully occupied on the date of conveyance because the property does not meet the requirements of the D.C. Building and Housing Codes, the Homesteader shall be considered in compliance with § 2913.2; provided, that he or she takes occupancy of the homestead within thirty (30) days of a determination by the Administrator that the property is habitable.
Each homesteader shall agree to satisfactorily complete, to the extent required by the Administrator, a Technical Training Program conducted for the benefit of the Program.
Each homesteader shall agree to improve the property within twelve (12) months of the starting date of the Technical Training Program sufficient to meet all applicable requirements of the D.C. Building Code (DCMR Title 12A) and D.C. Housing Code (DCMR Title 14).
In addition, each homesteader shall agree to do the following:
The Administrator may grant an exemption from the residency requirement of § 2913.2 if a homesteader dies or becomes totally disabled and if, in the opinion of the Director, the exemption would relieve the homesteader's heirs, devisees and immediate family of an unreasonable burden arising from the requirements of the abatement agreement.
Alienation of a homesteader's interest in the homestead property may be approved, at the discretion of the Administrator, during the first five (5) years of ownership, provided that the following percentages of the tax assessment value (as determined at the time of conveyance of title to the homesteader) shall be paid as an assessment fee to the District:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-2913