D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-2910
Homesteaders shall be responsible for obtaining private interim and permanent financing for rehabilitation costs exceeding the amount that may be provided to the project by DHCD pursuant to § 2910.3.
Homesteaders shall apply to at least one (1) commercial lender for such financing within a reasonable period of time after establishing the estimated amount required and affordable to the homesteader as indicated on a financing worksheet provided to the homesteader by the Program staff.
The DHCD shall provide a deferred payment loan to, or on behalf of, each eligible homesteader in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per dwelling unit under the following terms:
The Administrator may, at his or her discretion, waive payment of any or all interest which may accrue on loans made pursuant to § 2910.3.
Loans made pursuant to § 2910.3 may be subordinate to private financing obtained by a homesteader for the purpose of accomplishing required rehabilitation of a homestead.
If a homesteader is unable to obtain sufficient private financing from two (2) or more commercial lenders and produces loan applications and rejection letters as evidence of that fact, the Administrator may, as applicable, refer the homesteader to the Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program or the Multi-Family Rehabilitation Program administered by the DHCD Neighborhood Improvement Administration for the purpose of applying for rehabilitation financing.
Homesteaders shall obtain acceptable written commitments for all funds required for rehabilitation prior to conveyance of title to the property.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-2910