D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-2901
Two (2) times each year, the Director, upon the recommendation of the Administrator of the Department of Housing and Community Development Homestead Program Administration (the "Administrator"), shall identify residential properties which may be acquired by the District and which may be rehabilitated at a cost which is reasonable and affordable to low and moderate income persons using financing available from private and public resources.
Applicants shall be screened to ensure that they comply with certain income and other eligibility requirements.
Occupants of properties selected for multi-family homesteading shall have the opportunity to participate as homesteaders.
For single family properties and, to the extent feasible, for multi-family properties, priority shall be given to low and moderate income applicants as defined in § 2999 of this chapter and to low and moderate income tenants of a property which is occupied at the time it is selected for inclusion in the Program.
Applicants who are selected to become single family homesteaders shall agree to certain conditions relating to minimum term of occupancy, rehabilitation, and insurance requirements.
Multi-family homestead projects shall comply with unit mix, income mix and such other requirements as prescribed by the Administrator consistent with this chapter.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-2901