An application may be placed on the Consent Calendar if the applicant and staff agree that the proposed work is consistent with the purposes of the Act, and there is no known objection by an affected ANC, historic preservation organization, or affected person. Any relevant terms or modifications agreed upon by the applicant and staff may be included as conditions of the approval.
At the request of any Board member, the Chairperson may remove any case from the Consent Calendar and place it on the Agenda for individual consideration by the Board at the meeting. A request from any other group or person to remove a case from the Consent Calendar should be made to the staff in advance of the hearing and shall be considered as a preliminary matter at the hearing.
The Chairperson may also remove any case from a duly noticed Agenda and place it on the Consent Calendar, provided there is no objection from the applicant, any Board member, or any affected group or person present and wishing to comment on the case.
The Board may approve the Consent Calendar on a voice vote.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-C327