7 Del. Admin. Code § 5102-8.0
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 5102-8.0 - Cease and Desist Orders, Violations and Penalties8.1 Cease and Desist Orders 8.1.1 The Secretary shall have the power to issue a cease and desist order to any person who violates any provision of the Act or Regulations. Any such cease and desist order shall expire (1) after 30 days from the date of its issuance, or (2) upon withdrawal of said order by the Secretary, or (3) when the order is superseded by an injunction, whichever occurs first.8.2 Violations and Penalties8.2.1 Whoever, without authority from the Department, alters, moves or carries away any substantial amount of beach material (including, but not limited to, sand or pebbles), or alters, damages or destroys any groin, jetty, bank, dike, dune, bulkhead, seawall, breakwater or any other facility, improvement or structure installed or maintained by the Department for the enhancement, preservation or protection of the beach, shall be liable for a civil penalty imposed by the Court of Common Pleas of not less than $200 nor more than $5,000 for each completed violation. If the violation has been completed and there is a substantial likelihood that it will recur or if it is a continuing violation, the Department may also seek a permanent or preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order in the Court of Chancery.8.2.2 Any coastal structure erected, or excavation created, in violation of these regulations is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and such structure shall be forthwith removed or such excavation refilled after written notice by the Department directing such removal or filling. In the event the structure is not removed or the excavation refilled as directed within a reasonable time, the Department may remove such structure or fill such excavation at its own expense. The person who erected the structure or created the excavation declared to be a public nuisance shall be liable for all expenses incurred by the Department in removing the structure or filling the excavation. The Secretary shall submit a detailed billing for the costs involved in abating the public nuisance to the person responsible. In the event that said billing is not paid by the person responsible within 30 days, the Department may file suit in the appropriate court seeking to compel payment.8.2.3 Any person who: Violates any condition or limitation in a permit issued pursuant to this chapter; Engages in any activity prohibited by this chapter; or8.2.3.3 Violates any regulation duly promulgated according to this chapter, Shall upon conviction be fined not less than $200 nor more than $5,000, or imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both, and in addition shall reimburse the Department for its reasonable expenditures in remedying damage created.8.2.4 For the purposes of subsection 8.2 .3 of this Section, each and every day that a permit condition or limitation is violated, an activity engaged in which is prohibited by this chapter or a regulation violated is deemed a separate offense.8.2.5 Any expenses or civil penalties collected by the Department under this Section are hereby appropriated to the Department to carry out the purposes of this chapter.8.3 Jurisdiction 8.3.1 Justices of the Peace shall have original jurisdiction to hear and determine violations under this Section.7 Del. Admin. Code § 5102-8.0
20 DE Reg. 120 (8/1/2016)
20 DE Reg. 818 (4/1/2017) (Final)